Search results

  1. vivavintageclothing

    Fur identification--possibly sheared?

    Hi folks! I'm hoping some of you who are better at identifying fur will be able to help me out with this circa 1950s fur wrap. It looks to me like it may have been sheared, which is probably why I am confused by it! :) Also, it appears that it may be somewhat curly, when not sheared...Could it...
  2. vivavintageclothing

    Help with mark on back of brooch

    Thought I'd post this on the public forum, since it may help other folks in future...I'm only slightly embarrassed to say that I don't know enough about jewelry marks to be certain on this piece. My research was inconclusive, partly because I'd rather trust the experts here, than stuff found by...
  3. vivavintageclothing

    Mysterious 1950s shoes--what do you think?

    I have this pair of ankle strap sandals that I was preparing to list on my website, and then I noticed something unusual about them. (How I missed it while I was photographing them is weird--must have been really focused that day, LOL!) I believe that they date from the mid-to-late 1950s. But...
  4. vivavintageclothing

    Little beaded guy on hat label--recognize me?

    Hello all! I know I have seen this little beaded guy before somewhere, but I can't recall. It's on a 1950s hat. Does anyone recognize him? Thank you!
  5. vivavintageclothing

    Soooooul Train!

    I just wanted to share our newly listed mini collection of Soul-Train-worthy 1970s items. I purchased these 2 bellbottom jumpsuits, a two-piece outfit and a mini dress all from the same lady. She must have been smokin' hot in the early 1970s! :)
  6. vivavintageclothing

    Has anyone ever seen fabric like this?

    I just listed this dress and matching cape, dating from the early 1970s, I believe? Both pieces have wacky, pointed hemlines and are made of this rather unusual fabric. It appears to be stiff white tulle with strands of white yarn woven under it and then printed all over with swirls of color...
  7. vivavintageclothing

    sewing question--does this type of dart have a name?

    A question for you sewing experts out there: does the type of dart on the bodice of this 1960's cocktail dress have a specific name? I'd love to know, if so. Thanks for your help! :)
  8. vivavintageclothing

    I've joined the Style Council!

    I\'ve joined the Style Council! At Lulu's Vintage Blog, that is! Had to toot my own horn a little this morning . . . :D
  9. vivavintageclothing

    dating help on couture Givenchy jacket 80's? 90's?

    dating help on couture Givenchy jacket 80\'s? 90\'s? Hi, Can anyone help with an approximate date on this Givenchy jacket? I'm thinking 80's or early 90's, but I'd love some advice! Thank you! Amy