Search results

  1. morning-glorious

    Betty Wales 1920s Dress

    I have a Betty Wales 1920's dress for sale on eBay right now. I had a lot of fun researching this label, and thought the manufacturer was quite clever. They based their dress line on the college aged heroine of a popular series of books, and every dress sold came with a voucher the customer...
  2. morning-glorious

    We've opened a new Etsy shop for menswear!

    I'm so excited! Vincent and I have opened a new Etsy shop just for men's clothing and accessories, and it's called MisterBibs ! (in honor of our kitty, Mr. Bibs!) We only have a few things stocked so far but we have lots of amazing menswear to list. Could we get some etsy love from you folks...
  3. morning-glorious

    I made my first etsy treasury!

    I'm not sure why it took me so long to try this... LOL! But here it is, my first etsy treasury! It was fun to put together. Shades of Emerald and Eggplant: Jen
  4. morning-glorious

    Morning Glorious is featured on ELLE's website!!!

    Morning Glorious is featured on ELLE\'s website!!! A reporter from Elle magazine interviewed me at Brimfield and photographed some of my garments in my booth there. She said she was submitting a lot of material so I shouldn't be disappointed if nothing on me ran. I just found out that my 1870s...
  5. morning-glorious

    Nice article in Antique Week, Melody!

    Maybe someone's already posted this (I haven't been around much, sorry!) but CONGRATS to Melody of Tangerine Boutique! I stumbled on your cool interview when reading Antique Week! It was about the influence of Mad Men on the vintage fashion biz. Very cool. :drinkingtoast: Jen
  6. morning-glorious

    I think this site is really cool

    Someone I know on facebook posted this link this morning and I think it's such a hoot - GranPaparazzi A photo site of senior citizens and fashions! :USETHUMBUP: Jen
  7. morning-glorious

    Vintage show next weekend in Chicago

    My friend Melissa is working for this event and it sounds like it will be really amazing. It's a big vintage clothing show in Chicago. Oct 16-17-18. If anyone has questions, she wanted me to post her email. It's [email protected] . Wish I could...
  8. morning-glorious

    Ta da! My new Ruby Lane shop is now open!

    It doesn't have a lot of stock in it yet, but here it is! The new Ruby Lane store is open for business!! :clapping: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">rubylane_peek(597029, 'thumbs', 3, 4)</script> Jen
  9. morning-glorious

    If you're not sick of me bragging about the Vintage Fashion Show yet...

    If you\'re not sick of me bragging about the Vintage Fashion Show yet... The photographer put a section of the show on YouTube! Here is the 1930's part of our big fashion show, if you'd like to take a peek! (I am the second speaker who is talking about the models.) - Jen <object...
  10. morning-glorious

    Vintage Fashion Show photos, and thanks again to the VFG!

    It's been a few months since the big fashion show I put together, but I finally have 2 albums of model's pictures, and I thought I'd share! I was asked to organize this project for the local Women's Club, it was a fundraiser for kid's educational scholarships. I had 31 models and 101 outfits -...
  11. morning-glorious

    I did it - venturing into etsy land!

    OK, I took the plunge. I am a pretty loyal ebayer, but I am very impressed with etsy so far and could use the extra business! I opened my store there and did my first 3 listings today. And it was easy-peasy! No html needed, no photo compressing or photo storage elsewhere, either. Choosing 5...
  12. morning-glorious

    1860s Paisley Morning Coat on eBay

    I have a very special garment consigned with me this week and it's up on eBay now, it's a late 1860s wool paisley morning coat in unusual colors of emerald green with red, orange and blue. It's in wonderful shape. I don't see things like this everyday, and so I hope you enjoy it! :hiya...