
  1. A

    Found this amazing Trifari necklace at a thrift store, but am perplexed

    I spotted this beautiful necklace yesterday, and in looking at it, realized it was Trifari and bought it (for $8!). I have since done some searching and discovered it was a Philippe design, and seems to be referred to as Forget Me Not. However, I cannot for the life of me find a single other...
  2. 50sVintage

    TRIFARI Necklace & Earrings - What is material?

    Hi All, I acquired from an estate this necklace and earrings set with a loose Crown Trifari tag in a Trifari box but there is nothing imprinted on the metal clasp. Also I would like to know the material - is it plastic? The lilac stone seems genuine but the other beads not. I could not find...
  3. juliam

    unsigned 30's trifari??

    Hello! I am happy to have found this forum! I am eyeing this clip (clipped on a chain for the photo) right now online and was wondering anyone's thoughts on this being unsigned KTF trifari (it is being sold as such). I was drawn to the clip purely for design and came across it when I wasn't...