1809 Ackerman's Repository

1809 Ackerman\'s Repository

I've listed one on my small collection of matted (not framed) Ackerman's Repository fashion plates. This one is Morning Dress, dated 1809. It's an original ..not a copy.

Will be listing others (all early 1800s) but photo work isn't done yet.

Here's a peek at 1809:

Oh...i love this sort of thing. I was looking at my costume renderings from back in the day (well, not that far back as the 1800s - things i did in college)....and these sort of items were brought to mind. They should do well for you.
I don't know....i think people would search for fashion plate/fashion rendering..at least that's what i would look for, but i see you have it in the description....

you never know who will stumble acrossed it..