1950s Mannequin Dressup Fun

One of the things I love to do in my shop is dress the mannequin!

Well we gussied up Missy for an afternoon outting ala 1950s mode! What fun. The taffeta is totally electric and I love the irridescense. Didn't have the original dress belt so we added a 30s velvet & deco rhinestone buckle belt in a deep maroon color and Holey cow - it looks great!!

(Sometimes I think belts are a real sleeper in the vintage fashion world!)

And what to do with clip earrings besides your ears?? Why... dress clips on the sweatheart bodice, of course!

OK..... Here she is - took a flash picture when the shop was totally dark. Another fun experiment! Really shows off the irridescence well.



ok......back to work now! :hiya:
oooh and she can wear gloves! That's one thing my girl can't do. I picked her because of for some reason i liked the fact that she was looking down at her clothes and in deep thought and wasn't even thinking about her fingers. for my household though, its good she is not looking straight at you because if one is not figuring she is there and comes around the corner, she could startle someone. Not me, but my husband wonders what guests would think. (no one has complained so far about me needing to send her to room :)

actually, now that i think of it...she probably can wear gloves. her fingers are spread apart a bit. But isn't a shock i picked a girl who can't really hold a purse in her hand? you would think that was a given. But i usually photo my purses differently so i suppose that is not so bad.
Party on State St! hahah. :booze: Somedays I'd just really love to throw an honest "bash" in that store ....

I bet you can get gloves on too.... Missy's fingers are only open a bit so I "shove 'em on" but she always has to carry glove #2.

Once I put a 30s silky nightie on her....bare bones.... with a little bed jacket......now THAT got attention! hehehe.
we call that stance........Attitude!!!!! She's my buddy! :)

That shooting experiment was fun! My neighbors in the GYM across the street probably think I'm nuts - I wait till the store is closed and totally dark and then walk around and snap shots! It's fun! Crazy...but interesting!
She is such a glamour gal!

I can't wait to see her in person. I hopefully will get to your shop sometime this month! Yay~
just a heads up..... I got more photos done and tech specs ready.... she'll be going on live auction sale very shortly!

Time to change mi'lady's clothes! ;)

something.. wild ... I think...... in line with those funky dresses! What laughs we have been having in the store over those! (selling 'em too!! :roll: )