1960s izod of London sweater?


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I looked up the tag on the resource page. I think this is 60s . What do you guys think?
It has these nautical style buttons. And a care tag. That says no dry cleaning


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It looks like they became 'Izod Lacoste' in the later 60s.
Also just to clarify, I believe they didn’t become Izod Lacoste. The rights to the Izod name were acquired by David Crystal who also had Lacoste so I think this was a collaboration or partnership but from what I recall they both also had separate labels. I will try to find what we found back when we researched this last
Also just to clarify, I believe they didn’t become Izod Lacoste. The rights to the Izod name were acquired by David Crystal who also had Lacoste so I think this was a collaboration or partnership but from what I recall they both also had separate labels. I will try to find what we found back when we researched this last

I see what you mean, Victoria. I notice the sweater in question here has the Lacoste logo on it.

Also just to clarify, I believe they didn’t become Izod Lacoste. The rights to the Izod name were acquired by David Crystal who also had Lacoste so I think this was a collaboration or partnership but from what I recall they both also had separate labels. I will try to find what we found back when we researched this last

Wikipedia sheds a little (but not much) light on the Izod/Lacoste tie-up:

"...Izod of London became most notable for its pairing with the Lacoste shirt company from 1952 to 1993. Vincent Draddy began to license the Lacoste shirt to add prestige to the Izod line, but he could not find a market for the then-expensive $8.00 retail price (around equivalent to $78 in 2020). After Draddy began giving the shirts away to his famous friends, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bing Crosby, Daniel Platt, and John F. Kennedy, the shirts soon became popular with department stores. "Izod of London" became a brand known simply as "Izod Lacoste". While the shirts were equally Izod and Lacoste, they became abbreviated and popularized as "Izod" shirts (which led to the ongoing misunderstanding that the famous "Crocodile" is the "Izod" trademark)..."

I am feeling a bit puddled today so my tiny brain isn't coping with anything much more complex than 'shall I have another tea or not?' - it's all way beyond my deductive capabilities lol

Interesting quote on the Glass Onion website:

"...But the Lacoste brand only wound up in the United States because it had licensed its brand to Izod (then called Izod of London), which had been seeking out an upscale product. This explains why you often see "Izod" on the labels of vintage Lacoste pieces. During this time period, annual sales reached $150 million just from the tennis polos alone..."

Hmm, Emma not sure that’s entirely accurate. Maybe I am misinterpreting the relationship but I think at least the way I read our entry from the label resource, the David Crystal Company first acquired the rights to use the Izod name from Jack Izod and then later, to Lacoste via an agreement with Lacoste. They had licensing for other labels too.
“In 1952 Lacoste signed an agreement with the David Crystal Company to import, and in 1966 to make, Lacoste shirts in the United States. Because David Crystal was also the owner of the Izod and Haymaker labels, the crocodile is seen on garments with quite a few different labels.

This makes the label very confusing. Just remember that between 1952 and 1992 these shirts and dresses were made with a large variety of labels including Lacoste, Haymaker, Izod and David Crystal, and with different combinations of the names on the label.”
Thank you everyone i think im more confused than before lol. So much about it seems like 80s but that tag seems so 60s! I appreciate all the time you take to respond !