40's? 50's? Grey wool menswear-inspired suit....

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40\'s? 50\'s? Grey wool menswear-inspired suit....

Two questions... would this be 40's? Skirt length is pretty long (approx mid-calf or 29.5" waist to hem)
Great pocket details along the jacket's princess seams at bust and waist. Is that coming through?
Also-- I always thought this sort of cuff was a French cuff? Is "turn back" more appropriate? Maybe a French cuff always has a button? I dunno.. that's why I'm asking ;-)

Anyway.. thoughts appreciated. I could sure use some keyword help, too!


To me the suit is showing up as a lovely purple leaning hue rather than gray...

That is super flattering, and i love the cuffs...I have a more modern Escada with the turned back big cuffs with cufflink look buttons and i always thought they were psuedo french cuffs. french cuffs on shirts have two button holes so you can stick a cufflink through or i think they might have their own buttons. i called mine psuedo because you can't unfold them, they are fixed.

someone will come along who knows better i am sure
I have a jacket on the mall ( I hope I mentioned it) with french cuffs. Looks purple on my monitor too. Very pretty Very Curvy! Steno Chic seems like good words now.

Guessing late 40's early 50's

Argh! I swear... my trusty camera, which I've had since I started selling on EBay, is taking a dive!

It's most defiately a very.. ummm... NORMAL shade of "grey business suit"!!

Well.. since I'm pretty sure my camera is not going to suddenly get better.. I'm going to have to make the color quite clear in the description!

Steno chic-- got it ;)

sooo... I'm safe with "40's" or "40's/50's"?

Thanks, all :D

I would see if you could alter the color if you have photoshop...some will see the pic get excited about the color and not read... i too would go with steno, etc vs menswear, though...
Ok... I did some color editing...

how does it look, now?

I would say early 50s and turn back cuffs. But you could certainly call it 1948 - 1952ish.
what about "girl friday"?

Yes, it looks more gray to me now. i would still state, like you do, that any otehr tint is accidental : )
Another vote for very early 50s, or maybe even a cusper.

And it is showing more grey on my monitor too!
