60-70s Summer Mod Print Dresses..... 53!!!

Here's a peek at some of the dresses that are photo'd and on auction now. These are all short length and/or mini's and many have never been worn! Most running "size 12": (apologize for not being on a mannequin... she's at shop and dresses are home! Can't win!) They look "boxy" because they are the knee length or shorter.






All open under $10 and no reserve! So many more to come too. It's going to be a very busy week! ;)
Said in a chant type style....

Show us the purses!:bouncy:
:bouncy:Show us the purses!
Show us the purses!:bouncy:
:bouncy:Show us the purses!

:headbang: ~Maureen

Better stand back. the purse posse is here. You don't want to mess with Calamity Maureen :USEGUN:...or is that Maureen Oakley?... even if you try to hide the purses she has some 6th sense acts up not unlike an old prospector's trick knee when the rain is a' comin. It is more reliable than Old Faithful and you cannot hide secrets like that from her

I think Calamity Mo Mo is more like it -- the calamity being that I buy purses and NEVER sell them!!!


of course, this statement about my purse sniffing ability is coming from none other than Hop Along Chris-ity, that purse packing varmit of the south!! :USEGUN:

:kiss: ~~Maureen
Ah...so you are the granddaughter and secret heir of legendary frontier school marm "Hoardin' Hattie" (she didn't tote a gun, but she toted a lethal carpet bag that could knock a goodly gent or lady out like a light). She tried to skip town, but she had way too many purses to be able to skip.

you are so silly Maureen
dare is say this looks like the "P" word print...... hehehe


The purses aren't as terribly exciting.... but some funky fun... Ok OK..... will do a "pile" shot! Took some shoe-y shots last night too. Will give some "general views" in here either tonight or early morning tomorrow......
Promise! Today we're re-doing hats at the shop all day......
You guys go for the purses, but if you put shoes on here, you gonna have to fight me for them....:USEROCKY:


I just love some of those dresses! I am just trying to figure out what measurements i need because they are cut so differently than stuff i usually wear. I have a modern dress that might fgive me some clues though...so maybe i will go by that...

oh yes, Barbara, you have to watch out for the purse posse.
OK...you asked for it..here's some groupie shots from around the racks and piles:








and of course more shoes -- I just posted some more pics under the sneak preview thread of Shoes from Heaven!

This really is a Fun Fun estate!:love008: Thanks for allowing me to share! (most folks in my town think I'm a little nuts right now......):wacko:
I used to have fabric identical to that orange dress second from the left

Barbara, I LOVE that orange purse!!

I like the mostly green dress on the end of the rack, but it probably won't fit me of course.
That purse with the flower on it......My grandmother has one almost like it....... the same flower design and background material, just different box design.

Let me know what era that came from.

Well thanks folks! gosh I wish you could all come on over and play dressup with me!!!!!!

Jamie..the box purse with the big flowers is a vintage 60s item.

Maybe we could create a new society: The Mad Mods! (something akin to the Red Hats!!) ..... Boy..... wouldn't that be a hoot!
ohhh!! All the pretty purses!!!

Gimme the strawberry one! ;)

Can't wait to see some of those up for sale:love008: