60s? 50s? Completely beaded and embroidered heels


Registered Guest
These heels are almost two pounds! They are completely covered in black glass seed beads and have very high end rose embroidery. The inside has a label that reads Lily Shoes Miramar Arcade H.K. (which I assume is hong kong...)

Are they from the 1960s? The heel and toe seem so classic that I am having a hard time dating them. What I am hoping is that these particular heels were popular at a certain time.

What say you??

Thanks for your time everyone

<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06516.JPG">
<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06517.JPG">
<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06518.JPG">
<img src="http://images.channeladvisor.com/Sell/SSProfiles/30056787/Images/DSC06520.JPG">
I THINK they are custom, so much looks hand crafted but I think they are about a 7? No size stamp or writing. From the inside toe to heel is 9.5 inches and measure 3 inches across at the widest point...
Earlier then 60s, that would be cool!

Thanks Linda... I did the same thing and it just seemed to not help as the heel and toe are so nondescript... Maybe you can find something I couldnt!


It's hard to see the underlying shape (like how skinny the heels are etc) due to all that fabulous beadwork!

I think I really need to buy a good shoe book (Jonathan? :D) - but later 50s is my slightly uneducated guess. How high is the heel?
I would still wait for the expert, but in the 1950s section of Fashion Footwear 1800-1970 by Desire Smith - that I bought from a shoe expert - LOL - is this pair of "copper beaded pumps with tan leather sole and 3-inch spike heel" made in H.K. I think they look quite similar to yours.

<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d30/alamov/Coolshoes.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Ohhhh that IS very much the same! And made in HongKong... I don't see a date in the caption! I think the heels are a tiny bit skinnier then on my shoes but so similar I cannot imagine the would not date the same.
I am going to list them this evening. If I have not heard any other opinions I think it would be safe to list them late 1950s early 1960s?? I need to get these up and out before I change my mind!

Thanks so much for the pic and everyone's help...

Ohhhh I see your first sentance. I am sorry about that! The "1950's section" I do believe I need my coffee before I read posts!!!

THANK YOU so much Deborah!
Thanks Deborah!
I think I will mention the book and author and leave out the picture.
I really appreciate the time taken to show me the photo!

I need to get more shoe books!
