60s Double Strand Beaded Necklaces


VFG Member
I was wondering how many of us have been given the contents of Mom's costume jewelry box?

Last week I talked about vintage colored rhinestone jewelry from my Grandmother's jewelry box.

Mom's jewelry box was full of early-mid 60s double and triple strand beaded necklaces like the one below, some with matching clip on earrings. The necklaces were usually marked either Japan or West Germany on the clasp.

My sister and I spent many happy hours playing "dress up" with Mom's necklaces and earrings.

Imagine my happiness a few years back when Mom asked me if I wanted those pieces for myself.

I like to wear them to dress up a solid color dress or sweater and always receive lots of compliments on them.

Anyone else love and wear those necklaces and earrings?

I have some of my grandmother's I wear the earrings as clips in my hair and then loop the necklaces around twice to make a chunky bracelet
I love these chunky necklaces with the asymmetrically shaped beads and the different types of beads in one necklace. I used to sell these as fast as I could list them, but lately nary a bite on any.

My mom had one that I recall being very, very similar to the one pictured. And I think I have one a lot like it in my inventory. I think some folks don't buy them 'cuz they're usually not signed "designer" pieces. But I love 'em anyway!
You could always wear them this way....

Ohh.. i love that one with the dimpled beads Debbie.. and the colors.

Again, love them, but don't wear jewelry.. Aunt Janie (the china painter on etsy) just sent me a ton of hers and grams to sell for her on RL.. and i just can't part with them. I have them hanging on the posts of my dresser to admire. :)

I'm glad i'm her favorite neice.. she said i could keep them. lol

Ookoo.. you'd look so cute in that hat!
Ooooooo .... I LOVE vintage beads!! :wub:

Single strand, multi strand, glass plastic .... all the different colors and textures. I do a little bit of beading and I just don't find such a variety when I'm buying beads for jewelry making. Maybe it's because I'm really in to brighter colors. I have to MAKE myself leave the bead necklaces in my inventory. Von ~ I love to just look at bunches of them hanging together, too!

One thing I can't do: tear up a perfect vintage bead necklace to cannibalize it for beads. I know people do, but I can't.

I have oodles and oodles of vintage bead necklaces in the shop and rarely sell any. Don't know why.

One thing I've found though - they break fairly easily. The strings are becoming old and dry in a lot of the vintage necklaces. I dropped one on a carpeted floor the other day and the string broke. It was a double strand.

Now I'm having a struggle with myself. That necklace broke fair and square. Do I re-string it as a double, the way it was or do I just string it as a long single strand? Do I keep it or sell it? Does that affect how I restring it?

Can you tell I'm a Libra?

I love those necklaces and have (hoards) of them I wear them all the time. When one breaks I either reconstruct is as a single or piece it together with other beads for a 'new' necklace. That pic is a hoot!
I think they're fabulous! I have just one set that was a gift from a dear friend. I love the look so I'm going to be on the hunt for more!
I have a great Coro double metal-bead necklace that I bought for resale, but fell in love with it when I tried it on, and wear it often. (Another warning to NOT try resale pieces on just to "see how it looks.") I get loads of compliments on it. It is a most unusual Coro piece. If get a chance later, I'll shoot it and post the photo.