a few things on ebay


VFG Member
After 2 months of greatly reorganising (photos to follow soon!) my stock, and photography 'studio' I finally remembered that I was supposed to list things on ebay to earn a living. Ooops. So after my brief hiatus I am back to listing! Will update the website too at the weekend, as I have been buying some blinding things that I want to keep but can't put it off forever.. Sorry they're thumbnails, so long since I have done this that they changed imageshack in the meantime and confused me. :duh:

So anyway, anyone feeling like coming over all shepherdessy? Good: bid away on this one!

Then this one is just happened to be next on the rail so I thought I'd list - not perfect (a few spots and missing a rhinestone) but completely wearable and I really like the construction. Moulded bodice the correct description? Nearly kept it!

A couple more too but I haven't actually finished writing any of the listings so better do that now instead of avoiding work by posting these sneak previews before I'd actually finished.. :)

All on ebay tonight about 7pm UK time. :hiya:
oh my l WANT that tan one..it is BEAutiFULlL!!!!!!but it wont be in my size wil it hatty???

and btw whats with all these new option under the item...'detail' and 'watch this item' when did that all happen??