A Slightly Disturbing Book....60s style


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
This weekend, I have a variety of books up for sale, most fashion related.

- The House of Gucci
- Roses by Peter Kote featuring nods to roses in fashion (brooches, 19th century finery) decor, and in...actual plant
- Several Vintage Sewing books from the 60s will be making their debut over the next day or so.

And then I came across this seemingly innocent book called
"Fun Party Games".

<img src=http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f372/cmastrangelo/partygames1.jpg height=300>

It was published in 1969, and features a few quite traditional and innocent party activities, like a Yule Log Christmas Party, and a paper doll party for children. BUT THEN you read of a quite disturbing party where invitees get a disturbing invite saying its their "LAST CHANCE" and they will receive a phone call in three days. The author cautions not to invite anyone who has recent run ins with the law or disturbing phone call or family situation. I would imagine because they might have a heart attack from the cryptic note and calls.

Of course, being 1969 there is a Psychedelic party and a Groovy hippie style party, and a protest party. But there is also a "MOD" party for teenagers where they make art to describe what the whole "MOD" state of being means to them.

I thought even though the dustjacket isn't in perfect condition I would pass it along to others who might get a kick out of seeing what folks did for fun in the 60s in a book aimed at the average person.

Its up for a very brief run on ebay:


There will be a few more books up to join it soon ...just click on "other auctions"

You know what I was thinking...that one party where you mysteriously call people...definitely the days before caller id that's for sure! I remember even when I was a kid - the big deal was to call people up and ask if their refrigerator was running, etc. I was just thinking an entire pasttime killed by modern technology. I am glad we have it because its sure convenient when you miss a call or are in the middle of something and only decide to pick up if its a call you have been waiting for or to catch people who are really being obscene, but I really think it makes me feel old. Now I have something to say "back in my day...." about. Look what preteens who aren't at the driving and dating age yet are missing out on!