Advice, please? Someone has taken my business name.

I found her now - sorry about that. I'm guessing she couldn't use clothing because you have the name already for the clothing category. I can't believe FB would allow that.
Donna, I'm sorry you're going through all this headache and heartache. I've put off registering my shop name, but I'm going to Go Daddy now. Thank you for posting this issue.
I have only a few "likes" on FB because I was really only using the storage for some photos. Selling vintage is a sideline for me and I have never promoted a large web presence beyond here and eBay, even when I was very active.
She has dug in her heals and will not give up the name. It appears there's nothing I can do.
I feel like she's taken a part of me. UGH!
I sued a colleague for infringement so I understand how you feel.It took a lot of time and lost income to do this, but she had infringed on other colleagues and I felt that I could weather the financial loss and they could not.

I won a partial victory initially; but she has not sold a book to a publisher since. I look at this as what goes around comes around.
I sued a colleague for infringement so I understand how you feel.It took a lot of time and lost income to do this, but she had infringed on other colleagues and I felt that I could weather the financial loss and they could not.

I agree with you Claire and am so glad that you had a victory, even if partial. I've had my issues in court as well, many years ago (also a partial victory). Infringers have little regard for the intellectual property rights of others. I'm sorry for your financial loss, but am glad that you won, as the gain was greater.

I think and hope that Donna will be OK in this case. Hopefully, the Etsy legal eagles can provide assistance and intercede on her behalf.
Here is a link to my FB page:

I hadn't been using FB to promote my business at all, just to store some photos. My vintage clothing endeavors are small potatoes compared to many of you, LOL! The other VV is going to continue her use of my name. She is unconcerned with any possible confusion for customers because, she states, " this is not to be just a site where I am merely selling vintage clothing, it is going to be more of an entity," whatever that means. Since she is listed on FB as an "entertainment website", I'm having scary thoughts. FYI, her other vintage business is called Parlour Vintage Clothing and is located in Nashville, TN. I don't suppose she's a member here?

Unfortunately, it all boils down to the fact that my business is really no longer big enough to warrant the expenditure necessary to defend the name. I guess I'll have to think of a new one as I certainly wouldn't want a customer to mistakenly think I'm in the entertainment business. :rolleyes:
I think you have the higher ground. When I searched your name you come up first and the first three look like you? The fourth is a Tumblr page of photos. Is that her? I wouldn't give up. Do you have a twitter acct? I would set up your shop name anywhere you can using it with or without "the" as others have said or both. You can only fight back with stealth and it will establish your web presence over hers. As Laura has said, you can get a free Zibbet acct and Free shop and do it for both TheVintageVendeuse and VintageVendeuse to close her out. Even if you do not open a shop, you have closed her out with those names. Same with Domains. Get both names if you can afford it.

As others have said, I'd forget about her - register whatever else you can and just plaster "Vintage Vendeuse since 2003 (or whenever you started) all over everything.

You can't stop people doing this sort of thing without a lot of fuss and bother - eg, my shop is one of at least four in the world that are called "Circa Vintage Clothing" and sometimes people get us mixed up but at least we're on different continents. Your stock and reputation will speak for themselves.
I think as Linda suggested, I may have to make a fresh start. I'm saddened by what I see as the theft of my name but it seems I only have two choices, share it or move on. I don't like sharing it with someone who is calling her endeavour "an entertainment website". My only link to the entertainment industry is selling a few pieces to Hollywood, but I don't think that's what the other TVV means!
But I have grabbed either VV or TVV where I can: domain name, etsy, zibbet, etc.
Thank you for the "likes" that have popped up on FB! You have all been so kind. :)
I feel your pain Donna. I was Sandy's Fancy Pants and had DBA since 1996. Someone decided to use Fancy Pants on etsy.
Not exactly the same but close.
I like my name better now anyway so they did me a favor.
I still own the url though and DBA and use it to point to places.
GoDaddy makes it easy to point urls. It is under your domains there.
There is actually an auction page thru and on GoDaddy to buy and sell domains.
I am considering selling one I have had forever as there is an exact name in uk.
I do not think that this seller meant any harm in using your name. I also think its quite ridiculous that you think she took your name. You are giving yourself way too much credit for a name that is as common as Shoppe when it comes down to it. There are plenty of stores that have the same name. I think this is a waste of energy and you are really causing that other person more heartache than it is worth.

This happened to me once and I took it as a compliment, even though I am quite certain that it was just a coincidence, there are a lot of people in the world and an overlap like this just happens.
in other words, GET OVER IT! and Have a merry Christmas!!!!
How absolutely horrible. Did you ask her how she thought up the name? I agree about emailing Etsy. I understand if she's already invested in the name, but you'd think she'd understand and not want to use a name already being used by another vintage dealer. It doesn't seem fair, to even buyers, who might have seen you on EBay and assume she's you, only on Etsy. It all seems fishy, and deceptive.

Good luck, I hope everything sorts out.