And NOW it should work! The Fashion History Museum website!


VFG Member
The Fashion History Museum now has a website! There is more to be added but if we wait until everything is done and ready it will never get launched!

We are having problems with it working in Firefox and Safari, but everything else seems to work okay... let me know if it doesn't.

And don't forget to come back often to see our additions!

Congratulations! I use Firefox also, and got an Attack Warning also, could not go further and see the site, but I recall your test site and that was indeed wonderful.

Cannot wait to see what's in store! How incredibly exciting!

Someone told me NOT to change anything on our websites on this coming Monday as it is CyberMonday? Have you heard this?

Apparently the problem is google - it is not recognizing the site and warns user of Firefox and Safari that there is malware. I have already grown weary of trying to communicate with my host site... I am done for today - however, its fine and does work - its just a glitch and there is no malware.
I got the same message on to check it out on I.E.

Congrats Jonathan for getting it live and hopefully your web host
can eliminate the snafu with Google. How annoying.

Just checked it out on I.E. (and as others have said no problem).

Jonathan it looks great. I love the ease of navigation and that
you can click the 'x' and get back to the main page immediately.
Pics are wonderful......all and all a stellar site! Well done to both
you and Kenn!

It is wonderful Jonathan. Congratulations! I might have a donation for you, (a coat that you admired that I posted a good while ago) will email soon.
I hope all this sturm und drang was worth it... apparently the FHM website now works for firefox and safari too - could I get some checks from people with those browers to make sure?

It only cost me my kickshaw website and blog... but at least ONE thing is now working... I hope!