And NOW it should work! The Fashion History Museum website!

Oh good, so it now works for sure... It turns out the 'malware' problem was actually google visiting the site before it was launched - seeing my server's address instead of the museum's and 'ASSUMING' our site had been hacked. It tagged the site as suspicious which is what the malware pop up was all about. SO, because googled ASSUMED there was an issue, we tried to fix it, which wouldn't have helped anyway and in the process a human error deleted my kickshaw website and blog... I now officially hate google.
No, they couldn't find anything from my website and blog. I have found (I think) all the blog posts and now I am trying to find the images to go with them, which is almost done. We should have a temporary Kickshaw productions website up and running shortly (maybe tomorrow) but it will take me a day or two to repost all the blogs and get caught up...

Our hosts have said they will compensate us for their error...
Ye gads! It's marvellous! Congratulations Jonathan. BTW - I use Firefox and haven't experienced any problems viewing or clicking on links. Works beautifully. :drinkingtoast: