Another Great Vintage Jewelry Piece


VFG Member
okay - I admit it. This is a shameless plug.

I posted this on my Niello thread, but I really wanna show it off, so here 'tis!

<A HREF="" target="new"><img src=""></A>
Just click on it to go to the auction page. :D

I'm pretty sure it's bakelite, but I dunno how to test it without hurting the posies, so...

Leisa, that is so pretty. Looks like little pink hearts. Your pics are great! Do you think you should have put "brooch" in the title?
That would make a lovely valentines gift!

Hey Leisa, change your location chica! You aren't in VA, you're in California now! Land of Arnie, earthquakes and movie stars. LOL

:spin: ~M
Leisa..... it's a very sweet pin....but highly unlikely to be bakelite! no.... I think in fairness I have to just say NOT bakelite. It is typical 50s pin and very similar to the molded plastics made in Western Germany - you sure it's not marked? Combinations of poured molded plastics and rhinestones were all the rage because of their light weight appeal.

And oh my goodness.......... Get "faux pearl" out of that auction immediately for risk of TKO!!!!!!!!!! Call them little black beads or simulated black pearl beads ....... anything just NOT FAUX PEARL!

I cannot think of a Buzz-word that is causing more trouble on Ebay right now than it's worth. Many jewelry friends have had auctions knocked out for use of the word faux pearl.

Just DON"T ever use it period! It'll save you a great head-ache.
Getting axed for using faux????

I bet its not "faux" but the fact that faux gives you the opportunity to use pearl in your title and it is getting people falsely to the auction that is looking for real pearls.

Don't dispair on the bakelite, plenty of folks search "vintage plastic" and you definitely have an edge with "pink hearts"

I would be a great thing for someone to buy and give on V Day
Barbara - what's the deal with 'faux pearl'? Why is it causing such a fuss??

~Maureen :puzzled:
Okay - thanks y'all.

I changed the title to:
Vintage Brooch Pink & Black Hearts Flowers Rhinestones

I made the reference to it possibly being German without a guarantee.

And, I took out "faux pearls" & now it reads seed pearl beads, so there shouldn't be any doubt that they're FAUX. That's the dumbest thing I think I've heard yet that ebay's pulling auctions for.

By deleting bakelite from the title I was able to add Brooch. Hopefully it will get more hits & even a few interested buyers now. Oh & I also referred to the petals as heart shaped, in case someone's searching "heart" in T&D.

Ya think I covered everything? :D

thanks again,
a beauty!! what the problem with pearls??? l thought only coarla tortoiseshell werne't allowed..personally its a bloody croc!! so bloody p.c....just like vintage been , gone, killed, worn, they should chill...

pheweee...anyway l would list it as soemtimes opaque plastic, not bakelite, a term overused...but noone minds...but i would describe it as opaque pale pink lucite...brooch of course..

sara x
I found out recently a neat way to test for bakelite, but it takes scoring the old Formula 409, like at a garage sale. If it's the former formula (and I'm sorry, I don't know when they changed), you can rub a little on the material in question, and bakelite turns the cloth or paper towel you are using <i>yellow.</i> It doesn't harm the bakelite or plastic either. An antiques friend gave me a little of her 409, and I have made good use of it!

As to faux pearl and that business, I say "pearly beads" or something along that line. I can sure think of better things for eBay people to do besides yanking faux pearl auctions. Sheesh.

That's prrrrrretty Leisa!!! :love008:
a little followup

sorry..I just hopped back in here. So I thought I'd go a little more on the faux pearl thing.

Please don't ask me why.... cause only heaven-on-earth knows and no human being could possilbe understand it all! BUT.....

It all goes directly with FTC regulations on presenting gem quality jewelry to the public for sale. And .... if you question whether such high level standards applies to your little ebay auction.... the answer is a definite, resounding yes!

Here it is - straight from "the horse's mouth" -

The names of other stones or gems, such as "opal", "ruby", "pearl", etc. must be qualified if the mineral composition of the item differs from the natural mineral. Additionally, when listing such items, sellers may use the stone name or "pearl" in the item title or description only if the stone name or "pearl" is immediately preceded or followed by the words "simulated" or "imitation", spelled out in full. Sellers must also include in the item description in equal visibility to any other wording the composition of the item, for example, "plastic," "glass," "quartz," etc. These items may only be listed in categories especially designated for them (like Pearl, Imitation) or in Other categories, not in the Opal, Ruby, Pearl, etc. categories.

To read more, just visit:
Ebay Jewelry sales guidelines - Help pages

All I can tell you is that Ebay is VERY STRICT about sticking to these policies. And then I'm going to throw in THE MOST Frustrating wrench..... there are bunches of "faux" auctions running! :headbang: But if you are reported, it will be pulled immediately no questions asked. :USEGUN:

and sadly...... "someones" in ebayland is doing just that on a very regular basis!

So..... beware beware. Jewelry is another pandora's box in the fashion world - right up there with lace!