Are you giving vintage this holiday season?

My mother collects vintage American costume jewelery and vintage powder compacts - I got into both these things too through her. The weekend after next there's going to be a big indoor antiques fair/flea market here in Zurich. It's on each year in December, always for four days. Now that I live in the city, it's actually just a five minute walk from where I live, so that's perfect.

I usually find something nice there for my mom - either jewelery or a pretty compact, unless I haven't already got something in store that I found earlier in the year (I basically shop for presents all around the year - you gotta buy it when you find it!). There's a lady there with a stand chock-full with vintage costume jewelery - I always look out for her, because she has really nice stuff.

Also my best friend usually gets something vintage. We normally give each other gifts consisting of lots of smaller things, sometimes we even go by a theme, and as we both love vintage, this can include anything from a handbag to jewelery or a book (no clothing - too difficult to see if it would fit).
