Are you NEW?? Introduce Yourself!! - 2015

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Hi my name is Paige I just signed up. I recently started collecting vintage purses. Mostly beaded so far. I was hoping for help dating a few of them and want to learn more to make me a better collector.
Hi registered 5 mins ago, i am currently a fashion design trainee in Singapore. I am preparing to start up my direct merchandising fashion business and personal labels too. expected to launch in year 2016. I will definitely share with you guys on the surprises I will offer to you guys. woohoobanannaemoti
Hi everyone! First off, I love this website. I've been vintage/ thrift shopping for years and would pop in every so often for label info. I'm so impressed with the community you guys have built!
Recently I've begun collecting more seriously and am beginning to sell online. I'm from the metro NY area and visit my partner's family (and shop!!!) in Italy about 4-5 times a year so also consider that home base #2. Looking forward to interacting with you all!
Hi! Sassy southern belle who has just been fascinated with vintage fashions for a while. I used to be really into rockabilly and then grew out of it, but the fashionista in me never left.

I adore the styles from the 40's and 50's. The silhouettes, the hair, the makeup, the lingerie. All of it.

So I'm taking the plunge back in. I really want to start incorporating more of it into my personal style. I'm really looking forward to getting to know y'all here and finding all those treasures of vintage fashion!
Hi Everyone! I am of course BRAND NEW to THE VINTAGE site! I have lots to ask and lots to post... HELP!!! I just received the task and permission to catalog a family Estate full of goodies and there are some items that I don't recognize but they keep nagging at me. When I googled a few of the labels this site kept popping up, so I've registered. The problem is, now I am torn between becoming a hoarder because so much of it is so damn adorable and selling it because well it's kinda hard out there and frankly I am just not able to afford multiple homes in multiple states and put a kid through college. Anywho.....looking forward to getting to know you all and learning knew things!! Thanks in advance.
I am a collector turned vendor on Etsy and local festivals. I am a gypsy at heart so I wish I could travel in a big bus to street fairs all over the country. I of course have collected more than I have turned lose of so my house is dripping with vintage jewels and clothes ;-) I am very grateful to have found y'all and look forward to my education.
Hello! I will say that I know very little about anything related to fashion. I have been trying to help out my neighbor sell a few items. Ive come across a leather jacket. Ive come to believe its was made by designer Gianfranco Ferre(that was easy), and also that its rather old and in great condition as far as I can see. Main issue is, I dont see anything like it on the internet. It seems rather unique and much more aggressive then anything ive seen from this designer online new or old. So any information or help or opinions on it would be wonderful, i hope this is the place to do this.


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Looking forward to reading and learning. Most immediate problem; 1920/30s machine beading on a dress. Have to write on this and need information about techniques used in the 20/30s. Specific dress I'm using as example was made for BOURNE & HOLLINGSWORTH 85/90 years ago. Info on how/where and anything really .... Thanks

I have been using this site as a resource for quite some time.
I love the great workmanship, quality, and uniqueness that vintage clothing offers. They are absolute treasures and a piece of tangible history.
I not only have a love of vintage clothing but also the research aspect of it as well. I am constantly scouring the web, discovering the history of items and the long lost history of different companies. I love the journey through time that it sends me on...
I am glad to be here and look forward to interacting with others who share my passion.
Thanks for having me. :hiya:

Kind Regards,
I have had a long love of thrifting for unique clothes, but have become more drawn to collecting and wearing vintage clothes. Learning how to best identify the proper time period for a outfit has been a challenge I truly enjoy. i mostly frequent some of the thrift stores in my area and nearby towns along with the occasional fleamarket or yard sale during the summer season.

I would like to introduce myself even though I already posted the first question (shame on me...).
I am a collector of vintage shoes and boots from Germany and also admire vintage clothing from different eras. My focus is on the 1920's and 1930's - only for fashion and style reasons. I am also interested in other things from that era like technics (radio, first television, photography, architecture, crafts etc.).
Hopefully I will not only be asking some questions here but also can give some information in future if possible.

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