Belated sneak preview! Mollie Parnis etc., listed Sunday


VFG Member
This went up last night (Sunday), along with the pretty cotton sundress I asked about earlier in the week.

I have a ton more full skirted 50s dresses coming up this week (Wednesday and Sunday) :USETHUMBUP: Am really trying hard to create some room... and will try to remember to post actual sneak previews of them all! :)
this is so lovely..where do you find all your 50's dresses and they look such quality too!!
Sara, a consistent buying habit over 10 years or so seems to have left me with a few too many (as if you can ever have too many - but still!) ;)

I've tried to list a few more realistically sized ones this coming week - I always think when I put things up with a 24" waist 'no one will bid on this, surely they can't be that teeny'.. but apparently they are! but I thought I should expand the size range a little - although the trouble is that means parting with things that fit me... :no: