Brain dead! Can you help me with a description?


VFG Member
Went on a house call to buy a few pieces this morning and it was very sad, ladies husband had just left her and she hadn't liked to cancel me (but hadn't slept either). She was about 70 and it just really got to me so I can't be creative today.. can you help me with some keywords for this? Sun and moon print 50s smocked waist dress is about as good as I got, and not really very good to be frank!

Here's the waist:

It's very pretty but I am stuck! Will go write my description for the other one and then come back to it I think, so any help very welcomed! :)
So sad I paid far more than I should... at least that should be some comfort! Sometimes it is difficult - she only got particularly upset as she wanted to show me her other clothes (and not sell them to me, you know the type of torture!) and got out a Diorling suit she had worn as her 2nd wedding suit.. and then got rather tearful. Clothes really do have such strong associations for people, which is why I love them in part - but wished she'd rearranged.
Think I will send her a card.
See, I'm too preoccupied to write descriptions!

Back to the topic in hand - is smocking the correct word for the waist treatment?
i would say smock waist detail- very a la loren l thought...very lovely dress.