VFG Member
Sometimes I amaze even myself with my own stupidity! I decided to take the next step and open an ebay store. My ebay id is iluvbungalows so I wanted to do something that kind of tied in to that. I decided on The Vintage Bungalow. Cute, huh? Well, I typed in the name, clicked set up and went to look at my new store. Oops! I typed in The Vintage Bugalow. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry (I mostly laughed). I panicked at first because I didn't know how to change it.
my store name has the word Bugalow in it. What the heck is a Bugalow :D Am I selling old Bugs or what? Well, the happy ending to the story is I was able to change the name and everything is right in the world. At least until I do something else stupid. LOL Now I just have to put some items in my store. Nothing like putting the cart before the horse...
