Calling out for vintage fashion photos once again, this time rainbows and butterflies


Staff member
VFG Past President
I very VERY much appreciate the vintage nautical photos found by some of you about a month ago!

My newest obsession-of-the-month is a combination of rainbows and butterflies. I hope to show not just 60s-70s items, but also some 40s and 50s. If any of you have any vintage fashion photos that incorporate either rainbows or butterflies, might I impose upon you for a scan?

Many thanks in advance!!
Fashion would be most useful, but general vintage images are okay too. I found a rainbow of nail polish shades in an early 70s ad which suits my fancy, for instance.
Maggie, if the book is here and not in storage, I have a decor book with an entire room from the 1977-1980 timeframe that has wall and ceiling butterfly wallpaper and butterfly bed linens. If i can't find it, I will go to storage next week and see if it is there. It definitely is a worthwhile picture
Thank you, Jamie. What I'm after (if at all possible) are images from the past from magazines or books. I'm not sure how possible it will be, and may have to vary my concept.

(If you check out the trends page of my web site, you can see some vintage images that were contributed to my cause for my May theme. I used other images in my MySpace bulletins.)
Thanks Chris! I'd love to see that if you don't have to go to too much trouble. I have been finding various images, all from the macrame/mushroom/owl/rainbow 70s. One example (and you can see I'm freely interpreting a rainbow):


Anything earlier would be highly prized, but any cool 70s images would also be great.
Maggie, here is a vintage Vera butterfly scarf from my private collection. I took these a long time ago with my old camera. If you would like to use and need better photos, let me know.



I also have two vintage rhinestone butterfly brooches if you need.
Thank you can count on Vera for rainbows and butterflies, can't you?! Love your scarf! The photo is fine too. What I most seek are magazine/book scans, but this may be a tall order. Time to get creative...
OK, no 40s 50s yet but these may be some good.

Both taken from the book 'Native Funk and Flash: An Emerging Folk Art' - (written by Alexendra Jacopetti Photographs by jerry Wainwright... pub. Scrimshaw Press 1974)

"Pat Haines' Levi Jacket, done in satin stitch with fine silk threads, came about when she found herself without paints and in need of expression.."

Linda Bacon modelling her own work (embroidered butterfly top) - no caption for this one.

So I have a slew more like that but they do become much of a muchness... wish my embroidery was up to the standard of the butterfly top though!

Great pics ladies!

Maggie, I think this is a 60s print from a dress badly in need of repair.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Oh!!!!!!!! I love that fabric Deborah, and Harriet...those are ideal!! Thank you both so much!!
Maggie, this is not clothes, but I found this ad in a 1968 Modes de Paris that may interest you. Let me know if this is any use and I can take a better pic and isolate any part you want. The translation of the title is: If you have a collector's soul.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
Haven't had much time to look, Maggie, but was searching through some of my old scans and what to my surprise...a butterfly print dress from Seventeen 1954.

<IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 ><br><br>

<IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 ><br><br>

I have the original scan in full size if you need so you can tweak if you want.
(I wrote a response to this earlier and somehow managed to perform a vanishing act on it...:duh: )

Thank you Deborah and Linda very much! Deborah, I think I have enough in the way of fashion images that I won't need to branch out into things farther afield. And Linda...perfect! I definitely will use that one and can work with what you posted just fine.
Maggie, you probably have all the photos you need now.

Just thought I would mention I picked up some wonderful tone on tone silk satin fabric in ivory white yesterday, that has a butterfly and mini pokadot print (background is flat, butterflies and polkadots are glossier).

If that would be helpful for a background or something, let me know and I can do a shot for you.
Thank you for thinking of me Lynn! I have set up my beginning-of-month trends page here, and I'm using other photos, kindly provided here, on my MySpace bulletins. For now I'm set...but I should probably start asking soon for illustrations of next month's theme: Roses. I really appreciate the help!