Can anyone help me date this cute hat


Registered Guest
I am getting 40s vibes from it? But don't know much about hats.

It is trimmed with a black grosgrain ribbon and white lace. The ribbon, lace, and sewing thread all burn test as natural materials. There are no labels.

I don't think I'm going to sell this, so I'm asking mainly for curiosity.



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Cute! I see it doesn't have an inner headband, which I would expect to see in an older hat, and the lace looks newish to me. The weave of the straw also looks bulkier than I would expect for 40s.

But I am no hat expert! Hopefully Barbara will be along.
Actually trying the lace burn test again, I think it may be synthetic. It's hard to get enough of anything to do a test without cutting off too much.
Its cute, but definitely not what I would call vintage. It "might" be from the 1980s, but it could be from last year and bought at Target. Made in China. The lace has been added to make it little more dressy.

Ok, I see. For my learning, what features mark it out as being newer? I do think it's better quality than Target, but hard to tell with no labels.
Actually I have no idea of the quality of hats sold at Target as I have not set foot in a Target store since the 1990s. I just picked a name of a big box store, as most of them sell the same merchandise. What features make it newer? Partly it is just an experience thing, after decades of selling and collecting, and handling thousands of vintage hats, most dealers just know a new hat from an old. Just on sight, many cases even without handling it. But 2 things stand out the most. 1. The hat has no inner band and that is something you would never ever see on a ladies older hat (except pre 1930s hats which had linings). For example, all the inexpensive straw hats coming from China have no inside band. Retailers buy them up by the 1000s and glue on their store label and maybe add some bit of trim. The look, thickness, weight and quality of the straw on your hat is China made straw, no doubt there. 3, The hat is made and blocked in all 1 piece. While this is not an absolute rule, hats from pre 1960s would be made in 2 pieces; a crown and a brim, sewn together. After the 1970s, very few mass produced hats were made in 2 pieces. It was too just costly.

Its a cute hat and a classic style. Wear it and enjoy it!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your knowledge and it will help me a lot in the future.

I believe you are right, the lace was added later by someone else.

I do like the hat and will wear it no matter when it's from! :)