Just sold for over $70, and apart from its really wonderful Intarsia design, I'm beginning to wonder why.
<img src="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wolf1360/auction/clothes/cashmere/altmannaustria.jpg" alt="altmann intarsia sweater">
I'm always confused by this short-sleeved, wide-ribbed waist style, as it doesn't seem to change much until the late 50s.
This one has a 'Bernard Altmann made in Austria' label. Format not too dissimilar from the later 50s 'signature' style, but still different:
<img src="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wolf1360/auction/clothes/cashmere/altmannaustrialabel.jpg" alt="altmannlabel">
If this is 50s, as advertised, it means that B.Altmann regained control over his Vienna factory that he had had to abandon c.1939. Or could this possibly be pre-war??
Here's why I'm always confused - here's my Pringle sweater, with the very early looking label. Slightly puffy sleeves but no decoration or shoulderpads. No shoulder seams either (all of a piece).
<img src="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wolf1360/auction/clothes/cashmere/cashmere%20005.jpg" alt="earlyish Pringle">
So what's pre-war and what's post? I need all the help I can get here...
<img src="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wolf1360/auction/clothes/cashmere/altmannaustria.jpg" alt="altmann intarsia sweater">
I'm always confused by this short-sleeved, wide-ribbed waist style, as it doesn't seem to change much until the late 50s.
This one has a 'Bernard Altmann made in Austria' label. Format not too dissimilar from the later 50s 'signature' style, but still different:
<img src="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wolf1360/auction/clothes/cashmere/altmannaustrialabel.jpg" alt="altmannlabel">
If this is 50s, as advertised, it means that B.Altmann regained control over his Vienna factory that he had had to abandon c.1939. Or could this possibly be pre-war??
Here's why I'm always confused - here's my Pringle sweater, with the very early looking label. Slightly puffy sleeves but no decoration or shoulderpads. No shoulder seams either (all of a piece).
<img src="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wolf1360/auction/clothes/cashmere/cashmere%20005.jpg" alt="earlyish Pringle">
So what's pre-war and what's post? I need all the help I can get here...