Confetti Anyone?? Lucite that is!!

This is just a super little vanity compact purse! Take a peeky!


Started it very low opener.....:USETHUMBUP:
Barbara, that is so pretty! I have a similar one that is MOP, but I really like this one - it sparkles! :D
Hi barbara, is that an Elgin? I think I may have the same one somewhere in my archives. It's NOS and I've never had the heart to use it!

Boy has this little dear drawn interest!! Lots of inquiries have come from UK... hmm??

That casing does not have a single mark on it!! I went inside and out! The ONLY item with markings is the lipstick tube which is Revlon.

Actually the covers have little metal chips and mother of pearl chips in the lucite.

I "think" it's going to end up well......:love008:hopa hopa hopa!!!
hi all -
we have dealt in vintage bakelite jewelry for so long - and now also have a passion for those wonderful lucite designer purses - guess it all seems to go together - time to accessorize! i do notice, however, that so many people inadvertantly call lucite purses bakelite purses - especially when they purses are a faux tortoise color - either way they are fabulous - we have been lucky enough to put a few in the shop - we love them almost as much as bakelite! there were so many designs and styles!

Vintage Bakelite, Cellululoid,Lucite, Vintage Purses.....