Crinolinegirl Ebay auctions now up!

Hi all

Just to let everyone know that my July <a href="">Crinolinegirl</a> Ebay auction are now up...

A pair of 1840's elastic sided shoes:
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A 1930's sidesaddle cutaway riding jacket:
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A 1930's riding apron owned by the same lady as the jacket:
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A beautiful 1950's moire nylon taffeta circle skirt in a WEARABLE 28" waist!
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1860's CDV photos:
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Victorian and Edwardian clothing and a few more goodies!

oh my look at those shoes! The first word that came to mind was

I just have to say I have been reading your auctions and website for awhile now. I seem to learn so much from just reading your descriptions. It is truly a pleasure to enter your auctions and learn.


LOL, I know Sue- they are "quaint" aren't they? They must have been comfy to walk in those as the leather is soft.

Thanks for the compliment Michelle :)

Lovely items as always Lei :)

I'm crazy about the jacket - cutaways are as dashing as their name, aren't they? The 14.5" shoulder measurement stopped me cold, unfortunately. Dashed my hopes you could say :)

ALL 5 of my antique and vintage sidesaddle habits dash my hopes Carolyn, as none of them fit me!! I'd kill to be able to get into my 1860's one. To rub salt in the wound, my sister who isn't even into horses or riding, fits into all of them perfectly! :rolleyes:

Louise, my dressform has 15" shoulders and the jacket fit it fine, it's just the style of the jacket as it's cut with rather high shoulder seams. It wouldn't fit bigger than 15" though.
If anyone is tempted, I can take a back measurement of the jacket! :D

Lei.....tell us more about those shoes! I am intriqued with the side expansions being so early!! Any more history available???
Jonathan will probably be able to tell you more about when elastic started to be used in shoes but it seems to have been a popular choice for shoes during the mid 19th century.
I think they started to be used in men's shoes slightly earlier than women's though as most of the elastic sided shoes for women have been in the 1840- 1860 date range.
You can imagine how much easier they would have been to put on that messing about with awkward sidelacing shoes especially when you were all dressed and corsetted up!
