Cross listing your ebay items. Worth the expense?


VFG Member
I was thinking last week that I have never tried to sell vintage in the women's clothing category on ebay, which I know I see a few ebay UK vintage seller's doing on a regular basis in evening wear etc. and they are pretty popular.

I think if I tried I would probably list in both - anyone tried, and if so is it worth the double fees?
This is not cross promoting, but perhaps worth a mention - I put the Gloria Sachs Jacket in women's clothing, jackets, because I did not feel it qualified as vintage. I have only had 18 hits and it has been up for 6 days - the lowest number of hits I have ever experienced. And no bids or watchers.

It may also be the title, or the category, or people just don't go for that sort of thing. I dunno, but I too am curious to hear what others have to say.
That's what I was also wondering also, but I will say that last week I did list several items and as a novice used the sub heading by mistake, cost me a lot more but did have twice the number of hits, coincidence it might have been. and got 30% more than I expected. luck who knows. Ebay a strange place!
It depends on what it is....Lilly Pulitzer I always crosslist in modern even if its vintage, ditto 80s coach bags,, and in fact people would more likely look for those in modern.

I have noticed though if the item is more of a wardrobe staple, or its shoes, things with BIN's and store inventory does much better. When I am looking for modern clothing I am usually "on a mission" to find something in particular. And I do believe, that unlike buyers who are "collecting", modern shoppers are doing mostly the same thing. Unless it is the item or brand of the moment, or is higher end designer stuff I would probably BIN it.

If you are listing vintage in modern, I think that like was said before, unless its a prom gown, and sometimes even then...I would definitely have a BIN option. There is a lot out there and sometimes the one where the person can buy it right away instead of timing for an auction ending a week later, wins out even if the other item is right on the money and the BIN "will do".

Deborah...Gloria Sachs is not a big keyword draw by itself, and your item is priced much higher than other GS stuff by comparison. (rightfully so, though!). I might ditch her name in the title and go with:

Designer White Linen Ribbon Applique Cardigan Jacket M 38

If it fits.

And what about quoting the label resource to note that she was a textile designer? It may help "romance" the item for the potential buyer

I might put a just slightly higher BIN on it too but just above the opening bid.
Its not that people have not heard of it. Apparently it just doesn't have a big ebay following. Makers that have names for their prints/ or do things in series tend to do better because people search for the name of the style to match what they have. That's why Carole Little can do very well.
I've been doing this very thing myself recently. And frankly, I'm pleased. I hate the added expense but I have to admit my sell through rate seems to be running well these days! :)

I have long been the proponent that Vintage should NOT be a separate subcatogry! We are FASHION FIRST .... Vintage is just an added PLUS! (Hey...that's a cool bumper sticker or motto!!:)

I honestly believe it would increase exposure if people could just choose clothing object first and age as a secondary thing.

But then.....we wouldn't need to spend $$ on double listing and I know Ebay wouldn't like that. So in the meantime I think I'll keep PR'ing things from both perspectives.

And ...... we should have a cross-banner PR program for Ebay VFG Sellers. I think we can create a cross reference and still use our group ID as a focal point too. Actually isn't that the idea behind their cross-linking program?
You know when it works out best...when you have a totally different category.

A purse with a poodle on it in both vintage>handbags and in collectibles>animals>dogs>poodles