Date help on camiknickers- updated

I'm still voting 70s/80s. Labels in older pieces are typically small and/or placed in sideseams so they're not noticed. It is of course possible that the large label that was removed was a later addition. I'd also expect to see smaller more proportional snaps on an earlier piece.
I required the camis a few years ago in a box job lot of things. I bought the box from the daughter of the original owner of the items, here in scotland, but she couldn't really tell me much about anything in the box.

They came with a few things i know for sure were older, silk underskirts, (I've sold one, but the other ones silk was shot and thought i'd just keep it) a very cute 'bolero' jacket made from net, which was embroidered- (this i still have, i wear it all the time) and some lace. This was a while ago though, so I'm not sure if anything else was there but if it was i dont remember it. I did buy a collection of handbags from her too- these ranged from 50s-80s, there were a couple of 60s asian handbags, sort of tourist-y but I sold these a while ago.

Not sure this helps with the 80's or 40's debate, but i'm doing a fair on saturday and I think I'l take them along and ask some of the vintage crowd there. Maybe these are the type of thing you really need to see in person.

Thanks for all the help!