Anna Evans
Registered Guest
I would be very grateful for anyone's insight on dating/placing this dress in context. I bought it in a charity shop in Florence, Italy. My original instinct on seeing the dress was that it was an original deco era dress. Then, on closer inspection, I saw the content label and Italian size label. These definitely look much later. The label looks 50s in style but it's very hard to decipher as it's faded. It looks like GF (stylised monogram) followed by 'effigi'. There may well be a letter in front of effigi, possibly an L. This brand label looks like a 50s label to me. However, other aspects of the garment make me think it could be later. I spent 3 years in Italy and some of the garments I acquired there can throw me a little date-wise.
I cannot detect a care label, but there is a content label hidden in a seam near the hem. It looks like a content label to guide the manufacturers/retailers rather than a label for customers' information. The fabric % has been 'stamped' onto a list of fabrics, hence my reasoning. The list reads Lino cottone nylon, with 'lino' stamped as 100%.
Perhaps someone has information the history of Italian/European labelling law history and can shed some light on this?
Many thanks, as ever.