Dating this dress - is it 1940s? or then is it later?


VFG Member
This dress is a pain as it is completely homesewn, and although I was initially convinced it was late 40s I have been known to be wrong - no really :P - so could do with some opinions before I finalise my own!

It has a boned back, side metal zipper (smaller type pull - but then this could quite easily be a replacement but so much handstitching it's hard to say for sure).

Prepare for a ton of pictures....

Phew - sorry about all that, but thought more picturesmight help! All opinions very welcome... I keep putting it off!

Well, Harriet, the 40s are not my area of specialty, but it looks 40s to me.... (But my reference book has a 60s doing 40s dress with a very similar bodice treatment.) The fabric has that "old" look to it as well, though.

The dress is lovely! Are ALL those strips of fabric stitched together over the whole dress? Wow!
Yes, all those 'ribbons' of fabric are stitched together - I would have lost patience!
Thanks Anne, it was the bodice treatment that made me think 40s too. It does feel older, but I just wanted to check what everyone else thought before wading in!
Very pretty - its has a contemporary chic quality to it. Is it made of silk or rayon?
It looks very late 40s to me, possibly just into the early 50s, but certainly somewhere in that 1948 - 52 period.
Lovely! My 'hollywood-inspired' radar went off looking at this one - looks like someone's concerted attempt to Rita-Heyworth it for the evening...

Hatty: I LOVE this dress! How big is it? I agree that it's late 40s to early 50s. The bodice treatment is beautiful. I love the colors, too. Are you listing it on EBay or your Web site?
I'm on measurement duty tomorrow night, so will let you know! It's a decent size actually, I had to clip it a fair bit at the bust and waist on my teeny mannequin which is always a god sign.. Going on the website, which is supposed to be launched by the weekend (I'm working as fast as I can!)

It is very starlet isn't it - I love it too! :)
I was thinking early '50s on it, too. And last night, looking through a 1950s fashion book, I found this:

<img src="">

The halter and the shape of the neckline remind me of your dress. Unfortunately, it doesn't give a precise date for the photo.

While I agree, I have some 1940s magazines that have a dress similar to yours, Hatty. I saw a Judy Garland movie from 1943 and a character wears a similar dress. I think the style is classic and may have been repeated over the years. The fabric and bodice detailing say 40s to me, possibly early 50s. I think, though, no matter what, the dress will be hit!