Dead or alive? What modern women think about wearing slips.


VFG Member
Here's another of my latest round of fashion social history snapshots - this time I asked modern day women for their present-day views and/or memories of wearing slips. The results are useful not only as a market indicator, but also a pointer as to if a certain vintage item is truly 'dead' or just pretending to be dead. For slips, clearly the latter. As before, I present the quotes 'warts and all', as Cromwell once said!

Do Women Still Wear Slips?




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Interesting indeed! I admit, before getting into vintage, I thought they were an "old lady" thing and I didn't understand why one would need one :wacko:! Completely ignorant...
The first vintage slip I bought was a pretty white nylon one by Hanro that I still have, and I wore it as a nightie, until I had bought a certain vintage dress that I was going to wear with the light tulle petticoat my mom had made me - and as we've established in the other thread, that a) was scratchy on bare legs and b) not good for tights. So... slip to the rescue! And then I got more vintage dresses and suits that simply required a slip because they were unlined, and that was it.
And another "typical me" story :BAGUSE:. On a weekend trip to Dublin with my work team mates a few years ago, I went vintage shopping when we all had a little time to ourselves. There were so many vintage shops and I went a little nuts - my colleagues had retreated to a pub, but I was still shopping! And got a 40s dress that I decided I needed to wear that evening for dinner and an Irish dance show. So yes, I had to hunt down at least a half slip and a pair of tights to wear it with - thank heavens for M&S is all I'm saying :headbang:!
I really like the old rayon ones from the 40s and early 50s. I used to wear them a lot in the 80s and 90s with my 40s rayon chiffon day dresses.
I still have a few. Some of the full length beauties from the 1930s can be worn as slinky evening dresses these days.
I have several--maybe a dozen or more--hanging on a belt hanger. My favorite is a rather plain black silk slip. Oh, yes, and they there is a drawer of half-slips, but I mostly wear pant slips which I prefer to linings.
I wear one everyday. I have around 20 in different colours and lenghts. I find it makes the clothes worn over them look better and I like a layer between myself and my clothes. I have to say none of my friends ever wear one and my mother in law doesn’t either (she’s 69) but my own mother did when she was alive (she was born 1944).
I'd hate to see slips die out!

I have always worn slips and still do, half slips more often these days. I've always bought vintage or secondhand clothing, so never had a difficult time finding slips. I didn't realize until recently that others didn't wear them. The few times in the past 20 years that I bought a new dress, I hated the material of the slip linings that came with them and didn't like they way they fit. So I would cut them out and wear my own full slip with them.
I'd hate to see slips die out!

I have always worn slips and still do, half slips more often these days. I've always bought vintage or secondhand clothing, so never had a difficult time finding slips. I didn't realize until recently that others didn't wear them. The few times in the past 20 years that I bought a new dress, I hated the material of the slip linings that came with them and didn't like they way they fit. So I would cut them out and wear my own full slip with them.

Me too exactly, Jo! May I anonymously quote you?

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Great post, Julie Ann - so true! Yes, modesty - light dresses that might be see through - is a great reason too for wearing a slip or half slip, as I have discovered too. As a sewer who is a bit of a minimalist, it's nice that I don't have to sew in a lining, because I know I have a slip to wear under the dress...
Love this post! We had to wear slips in my younger days - the nuns insisted it was ladylike to do so. I went through a phase of rebelling against them in my twenties, but have a new-found appreciation for them; especially, as I love wearing dresses made from delicate fabrics, which are often a bit see-through.