Decade of beaded bag?


Registered Guest
My guess is maybe 20s or 30s? But don't have experience with this type of bag. It's quite heavy; I think the beads are glass. The lining appears to be silk, hand-stitched to the frame.

Thanks as always in advance.


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OK really. That's interesting; what would indicate that? I get a lot of 50s-60s bags and this one seems quite different, as well as older (to me), so I'm wondering how you date it. I was having trouble finding similar bags to compare it with.
OK really. That's interesting; what would indicate that? I get a lot of 50s-60s bags and this one seems quite different, as well as older (to me), so I'm wondering how you date it. I was having trouble finding similar bags to compare it with.
I'm dating it based on the frame, the beading and its work... The lining could be a replacement but I can't say for sure there, just wondering about that when I look at the stitching holding it in. Hey, I'm basing this on lots of experience but you're holding it. You do you. : )
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I see 1950s. One thing is is that it is a clutch, and I might expect a small beaded bag like this from the 1930s to have a chain handle. 1920s beads would be smaller and finer. Also the look of the frame seems not so much 20's 30s to me. And these beaded bags and embroidered bags (your embroidery looks like crewel on net) were hugely popular in the 1950s and early 1960s. I could be wrong, but that's what it looks to be to me.
Thanks! Not interested in "doing me", LOL, I really want to learn so much appreciate the greater experience and knowledge of all here! I am grateful for the many times you've saved me from misdating things.
I am not a purse expert! But the shape of this one does say 50s to me. It's hard to judge bead size without anything else in the photo for comparison, but the beads do look a bit larger than I would expect for 20s, and not as densely placed. Also the embossing of the metal frame is a bit simpler than I would expect for 20s.

I find that hand sewn lining confusing though.
Thanks! Not interested in "doing me", LOL, I really want to learn so much appreciate the greater experience and knowledge of all here! I am grateful for the many times you've saved me from misdating things.
ha ha. But doing you is YOU. ha ha. Ok, I am just trying to help as best I can and happy to. See what others say.
I am not a purse expert! But the shape of this one does say 50s to me. It's hard to judge bead size without anything else in the photo for comparison, but the beads do look a bit larger than I would expect for 20s, and not as densely placed. Also the embossing of the metal frame is a bit simpler than I would expect for 20s.

I find that hand sewn lining confusing though.

Yes that's one thing that made me think it might be older. It's also silk rather than rayon, which is what most of the 50s bags I've had have been lined with.
This is an interesting one: I can see why you might think the beadwork is '30s but it looks like it's been reapplied to a 1950s frame and the lining is not original either. I guess you'd have to look closely at the beadwork and the materials to determine but my feeling is that it's likely both a 1930s purse and a 1950s purse. But it could easily be a home made '50s purse made with one of those kits.

Yes that's one thing that made me think it might be older. It's also silk rather than rayon, which is what most of the 50s bags I've had have been lined with.

The lining might be silk but it's been very sloppily sewn in, which if anything, skews it to more modern to me: even in the 1950s people were much more careful about their sewing than this. This looks like a modern (1980s onwards) repair by an amateur who lacked the skills and had no motivation in sewing carefully because they either knew that no one would see inside other than themselves, or they didn't care.

I was finally able to find a few similar bags with that combination of chainstitch embroidery and beading. This one claims to have been purchased in Paris in 1912: This one has a "Made in France" label that appears older than 50s (?): This one is very similar to mine and is claimed to be 20s but no indication of why; does have a label but frustratingly doesn't show it clearly: This one claims to be French and 1910s, but no label pictured and no indication of why. And one with no origin or date specified.

OK, back to "real" work now....
I hate to critique another seller's dating, but the Etsy seller you've linked to seems to be describing 1950s purses as 1920s, and 1920s purses as 1800s, and 1960s shoes as 1950s, and her dating of accessories just seems generally incorrect...

I think your purse frame is from the 50s and the beadwork may have been salvaged from a dress or bag that was early, from the 30s, perhaps, and reworked, and relined. If I were listing it I would put it in the 50s because it does not resemble a 1920s purse even if parts of it might be that old.
I hate to critique another seller's dating, but the Etsy seller you've linked to seems to be describing 1950s purses as 1920s, and 1920s purses as 1800s, and 1960s shoes as 1950s, and her dating of accessories just seems generally incorrect...

I think your purse frame is from the 50s and the beadwork may have been salvaged from a dress or bag that was early, from the 30s, perhaps, and reworked, and relined. If I were listing it I would put it in the 50s because it does not resemble a 1920s purse even if parts of it might be that old.

Ok thanks so much. That seems to be the consensus so that's what I'll do.