Does anyone else LOVE What Not to Wear?


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I love the U.K. and U.S. versions. Trinny and Susannah are so spot-on with their comments and the tone of the show is so different from the U.S. version with Stacy and Clinton. The show has taught me a lot about fashion and improved my wardrobe (I know now about Searle in NYC!). Not only that, it's so much fun to watch other people shop! I skimmed through the "What Not to Wear" books at the bookstore and thought the books were good "Fashion 101" references. InStyle magazine has a book, too, but I don't think it's as fun as the "What Not to Wear" books.

My favorite episodes include the musician who wore lots of toe socks; the actor who wore far too much polyester; the teacher who made her own clothes and the sweet Southern lady who had big hair and was stuck in the 80s.

Last week there was a great episode on underwear. See? I am so easy to entertain! Shopping and clothes-what more does one need? Oh! Wait! I cannot forget my monthly essentials -- Vogue and Lucky magazines! :)
I love Trinny and Susannah too! I wish I could hire them to dress me all the time. Nescafe is havng a competition overhere where you could win a £10 000 shopping spree with them. I'd enter but I don't drink coffee!! :)

They are quite useful shows, especially since many of the same mistakes are made over and again by women, and men. It looks like most women have never had a proper bra fitting for example. However, I wish Stacey and Clinton weren't so against wearing vintage clothing and it would be nice if some of their vicitms would shop at some of the more interesting boutiques in New York instead of the usual H&M etc. There are great stores in Chelsea they never go to. Stacey and Clinton are great to watch as a pair though and can be truly funny. I haven't seen the British version in a long time because they kept repeating the same shows too often.
I agree, Jonathan. Stacy and Clinton are biased against vintage. I've seen shopping at some boutiques in NYC. You're right, though. There ARE some great places in Chelsea. H&M isn't bad if you want to buy runway inspired inexpensive clothing but NYC is the fashion capital. Surely the show can do better! Isn't the statistic greater than 50% of women have never had a proper bra fitting? Do you ever watch the E! networks yearly Glamour special on the top do's and don'ts? Again, I can't believe what some people wear in public -- from pajama pants, visible panty lines, too tight or too loose clothing---aaaarrrrrgggghh! I'm having fashion nightmares!
When I babysit my granddaughter on Tues I get to watch the show...and I've fallen in love with it! Love the comments ... not always thrilled with the styles.... but the tips are great.

Hey.....wouldn't it be fun to DARE THEM to do it in a NY vintage style!
I used to LOVE the show although lately I have stopped watching it. Mostly because of Stacey and Clintons feelings towards vintage fashions. I agree that a vintage What Not to Wear would be great, very interesting.
My husband loves Stacey and Clinton - he will sit and watch a whole marathon of What Not to Wear. I like it too, but apparently not as much as him!

It probably will eventually.

There is one episode I didn't really like. Forget which version it was. I think it was the two gals. And I didn't try watching it again for awhile because of it.

I just saw the one about the mormon artist they were trying to get more comfortable with her body, and i think they did a great job and really brought both her looks and personality/confidence out. They knew what she was trying to go for but failing at, and worked from there.

The one episode that turned me off a bit was a gal who had horses. She wore some things that just didn't suit her, but part of her persona was mixing in some fun colors and wanting to keep her longer hair..and i think she liked to do stuff with it -pony tails, clipping it different ways. The first thing she said was that she associated drab, dark colors, and cutting your hair short with "being older".

So what is the first thing they do? instead of taking the different colors that she wore and eliminating thpse that really looked not so good on her, and keeping the shades that did....or putting those colors into accessories...they picked dark olives, browned out tones, etc, to put on her! You could just tell she was jumping out of her skin. She looked nice, but it just wasn't "her".

And they cut her hair. But instead of shortening it a little bit, but mostly framing her face, they gave her a 'do that wasn't really short, but it had this assymetricalness or choppiness about it (which i can't really picture it now, but that was my impression) that wasn't "wash and go" that would be hard to get to do what you wanted to do in a few weeks when it grew out and didn't match her lifestyle. The type that looks great when a hairdresser does it, but you fail miserably at home. I wanted to tell them "pick one" - shorter or high maintenance but you can't do both and expect it to fly"

Although she adopted some pants and shoes that they had suggested, I didn't get the feeling they were trying to improve upon her assets and considering her personality and lifestyle. And then they were upset what they did didn't "stick". NO KIDDING it didn't stick.