Does this type of coat have a name?

carla rey

VFG Member
Hi all!

I have this beautiful black wool coat with a great silhouette. Am I correct in dating this Edwardian era? The back shoulder ruffle is quite wonderful does it have a name?

The gold belt I added.
CoatBlackEdwardian-3231_RT.jpgCoatBlackEdwardian-3214_RT.jpgCoatBlackEdwardian-3228_RT.jpgCoatBlackEdwardian-3218_RT.jpg LabelsandDetails-3372_RT.jpg LabelsandDetails-3373_RT.jpg LabelsandDetails-3374_RT.jpg LabelsandDetails-3375_RT.jpg
Hi all!

I have this beautiful black wool coat with a great silhouette. Am I correct in dating this Edwardian era? The back shoulder ruffle is quite wonderful does it have a name?
Hello Carla,

Kinda Steam Punk, very nice.

But 1900-1905, I think I have seen the type of collar on religious robes, military cloaks and possibly Edwardian school attire---maybe?.