I pulled a few of my items from the VC-Mall and have listed them on Ebay with Donationto American Red Cross

...pls go get them NOW! and help some HURRICANE victims in the process too!

If you are like me and you have perhaps more goods than available cash, you can create your own donation auctions thru Ebay to help out in any charity you choose. The organization Missionfish coordinates this and it's easy to do.

Check out This page. After you sign up, the donation designations are all on the Sell your item page. That's it!

I will be listing several more auctions for the next few weeks to do the same thing... please check back occassionally! :USETHUMBUP:
Another group: If these are "shameless plugs" .... so be it. :USING:


2 wonderful jewelry items were pulled from the Mall sale and posted on Ebay for Donation:

14k gold crossed swords pin with cultured pearl


Graduated Tiger Eye bar necklace on 14K chain


Boycetime auctions


Share my post thread and drop 'em in here!:clapping:
I can't list anything else til I get moved, but I think it's important to remaind everyone that the red cross & all the other agencies that are helping out down there will need help & $$$ for a very long time. It's going to be AT LEAST 3 months til habitat for Humanity can even start work. So they say on CNN, anyway.
So - even tho I can't list, I just HAD to bid on your tiger eye necklace, barb. I LOVE It!
p.s. I used my *junque* id, so don't be scared, cuz I still have 0 fb on it.
This is great, and you've inspired me to do some charity auctions. I have chosen America's Second Harvest and from snooping around on the eBay Natural Disaster & Relief Information Board I found that you may make a donation directly to the non-profit of your choice if you:

• Are soliciting on behalf of recognized tax-deductible charitable organizations (for example, 501(c)(3) status or equivalent with the IRS).
• Receive advance written consent for the solicitation from the benefiting nonprofit. To prove you have obtained this permission, you must include a scanned copy of the consent in your listing. It must appear on the nonprofit’s letterhead signed by an officer and include the nonprofit’s tax-deductibility status as well as your name or eBay User ID, dates of event/listings, and donation amount (percentage of the final sale price).

(This is an option for those who feel, as I do, that some of the rules regarding using Mission Fish are not the way they ought to be, such as the seller paying all eBay fees despite 100% donation to the cause).

I'll let you know when I get some things up.

This disaster and its aftermath has really made me even more eager to do something about poverty in this country. I've often thought, driving or walking in Spokane, that there are shameless numbers of people who are homeless and needy even in my own town. I have a friend who has no transportation of her own and a child without healthcare. If a disaster struck Spokane it wouldn't be easy for her to leave town either. The root causes of poverty are not being addressed, here or anywhere.

I keep thinking, being a vintage clothing dealer: Some people don't wear old clothes because they want to!
Maggie... After I had already signed up with MissionFish I have read lots of posts about "issues" with them. I would be interested to hear back from you again regarding your success/ease of doing it "directly". I sure would prefer to send All the money to my donation designation.

For now, I'm sticking with my registration. But like you said, these funds will be needed for a long time yet. Maybe I'll check the "direct" route. Sounds very complicated.....
Hi Barbara,

Forgive my earlier soapbox; in my usual over-confident manner I assumed I could ask a national organization for a specially-composed letter! :rolleyes:

So, I'm now working on the local chapter of America's Second Harvest for a letter, and I would say that already it is a bit challenging to go this route! While I'm dinking around trying to get a note, you and all others using Mission Fish are making real money!

Hope to get something going soon, and I will try to post how it works, or whatever else I can here. Good luck on your auctions!
Oh are funny! ....... and correct!

Actually NO>>>>>>>>
you cannot just put in an auction and "say you are donating". You MUST REGISTER with MissionFish OR have a certified letter from a non-profit charitable organization stating you are an agent on their behalf posted (image copy) in your auction!

.......... yeh ..... like the non-profits don't have enought to do right now!!

May seem unrealistic if you don't want to use MissionFish, but sadly there are people who will abuse the times and be ....well ...... not very nice! Ebay's policy is a safeguard against this.

A jewelry friend had her auction pulled because she did not know..and listed her own auction saying she would "donate". So be aware.... Policies are firm!

If you donate 100% of the proceeds of your auction, ebay donates the fees as well. But.... not totally sure about how this works. I think I still pay them.

There have been comments ++/-- about MissionFish, but so far I am very pleased to be able to work thru them. It is easy to register and take care of the donations. I have 3 successes so far... and I hope many more to come! At least I have an avenue to donate my inventory as cash!

and speaking of which.....

.... back to donations:

Here's another item that is designated as 75% donation to American Red Cross.

Febuary ladies with big hands........ attention!!


Thanks for the heads up Barbara. Too big for me, but i will look at other items...

You are quite right Barbara

My father is an exec. at a non profit and I asked him about all this last year.

Aside from people falsely advertising where the money goes, there are two other reasons.

1) To protect the organization from you offering a product to raise funds for them that they would find objectionable. Like you were auctioning off spotted owl meat to benefit PETA or a prostitution for a children's charity. Or a human organ. Basically, protecting its good name.

2) Taxes. If someone does an auction that catches someone's attention for an organization and the charity cannot account for it by a) the person not actually giving the money b) the person giving the money but not in a way it can be accounted for. if they dropped it in a donation box versus documenting with the proper forms so it is "accounted for". c) the charity just plain doesn't know about it or there is no documentation to link it for records for the IRS, etc.

If the right/wrong person sees a$3,000 auction to "the order of benevolant elephants" and the elephants are only claiming they received $500 in donations that year they could be audited (even if the funds never went to them) Now this would not happen very often, but possible.

The organization could lose its funding, or worse, its charity status.

3) you can't advertise for people to help contribute to your personal donation. If you did not get the proper paperwork, essentially, and it was not official, people would be just increasing your personal donation amount and it would be a write off for you versus it being a direct donation. You are better off not advertising that the money is going to a charity and just give privately or donate your time privately to the organization.

Thank you for the updates and info, especially what I learned from you and your father Chris! ...and wonderful work Barbara!! I aspire to do so well!

I did finally get a letter from the local chapter of America's Second Harvest. I really like this organization, their mission, strategy, and their 100% donation going to cause. They make a big difference in many communities, and this donation will go to the national disaster relief.

Tomorrow (Friday) all my auctions will be going to them. I hope to have some really nice things up. I'm going to bed early to get up and cracking very early. :asleep:
Maggie... Wonderfule!!!!!! MAKE SURE you follow ebay's guidelines for your listings or they will get pulled!!

Chris...... great info and things I never even thought about for non-profits.!!

Now a new twist here:

I want to do so much much more is needed. I'm starting a clothing collection at my B&M store but was wondering where I can ship what we collect! I just found this info from another board poster regarding goods.

So I will offer it up here. Please check the website yourselves and see what's what!

If you are sending food (non-perishables, of course) or toiletries, they should be sent to:
Houston Food Bank
3811 Eastex Freeway (59)
Houston, TX

If you are sending anything other than food or toiletries, it should be sent to The Salvation Army
1603 McGowen
Houston, TX 77004

Here are some needed items. ~
There are "kits" that can be made very inexpensively -
they're called "Health Kits". These Health Kits should include:
1 washcloth, 1 hand towel, 1 bar of soap, 1 fingernail, clipper, 1 toothbrush, 1 tube of toothpaste, 1 dental floss, 1 deodorant, 1 comb (full size, not pocket size), 1 small pkg of bandaids (8-10 bandaids), 1 purse size facial tissue *** Put all into a gallon size ziploc bag

There are also a lot of items that are desperately needed. Below is a list of some of the main items:

Below items should be new:
· Sheets · Pillows · Paper goods such as plates, cups, napkins, disposable silverware - forks, knives, spoons
· Bottled water (no glass containers) · Single serving snacks such as Pop-Tarts and cereal bars, chips,pretzels, cookies, candies, canned fruit · Peanut butter · Heat and eat foods such as chili, stew, canned pasta with sauce and
canned vegetables · Any other single serving foods that don't require refrigeration · MREs (Meals Ready To Eat)
· Baby formula and bottles · baby shirts or one-piece body suits · baby washcloths · dressing gowns or robes
· baby sleepers · baby sweater open in the front · receiving blankets · towels· sleeping bags · shampoo
· disposable baby diapers · Powdered baby formula
· Jarred baby food · Games and toys.

Below items can be used but in very good condition:
· Clothing · Shoes · Blankets


and ..........

Whew! I have just listed something like 20 items for America's Second Harvest...every auction starting at 99 cents. I can tell you that's at least a deal on everything, and on some it is a tremendous deal!

Some choices:

30s Cotton Calico Casual Dress-XL

Mod Shrimp Pink Wool Boucle Coat

ca. 20s Crescent Moon Hair Comb

50s Black/Wh Gingham Sport Jacket

Please help me get this thing off the ground if you feel inspired!

PS Barbara, I hope I crossed my T's and dotted my I's enough for eBay with the letter in the listings!
One of the good things about being in the Southeast is that we have someone from our area leaving everyday to different part of the devasted area with supplies. That makes it a bit easier.

Bid on this great stuff, everyone!!

Thanks Barbara! I could use a few more bids on my donation auctions if anyone is in the mood! :) These items are not lesser, I chose them to relate at least a little to the current situation, i.e. a crescent moon hair comb and the Crescent City, a shrimp pink coat and the shrimp industry... I started the auctions at $.99 just to get maximum money to Second Harvest.

Barbara, you're so awesome to do these auctions & post the info with the addresses. I love those little kits & hope to put a few together soon! I found out that Hemet has already collected a LOT & sent some of their plice, docs, etc to TX to help out. Hopefully they'll do some more stuff & I can jump on in!

ahhhh, yes...BTW...

YAY, Maggie!
Ya done good, sweetie!
