Don't you hate it when...


VFG Member
Don\'t you hate it when...

You miss a flaw, and have spent the last hour photographing stuff!

I always give everything a good going over before I start photographing, and check again afterwards. 3 times tonight I have tripped up and missed spots only to find them on my second check! Grrr.

At least it's better than finding it when you're packing stuff up to post which (thankfully!) I have only done once, but I think I am going to give up today, am obviously not on the ball. Shall maybe sit down and relax a while... :booze: and try again tomorrow!
Harriet, I always seem to find them when I go to photograph and I get very p......d off that I missed
it in the first place. All flaws should have bells on them!

Enjoy your R&R :booze: and tomorrow will be better... promise:)
I do that too....but thank goodness when trying to take the pics and placing the stuff on the form that little flaws seem to pop out at you!!!

I like the R&R indeal, might have to try that myself.......I wonder if I can beg the neighbor to watch the kids for an hour...... :booze:
Actually, I really LOVE it when I find glaring flaws that I missed upon purchase! Even better to find them AFTER photos have been done.

So, there! I am different as I really enjoy this! :bouncy:

This way, I get to take new photos all over again, or spend tons of time waving my magic Photoshop wand (if I have fixed the flaw), or devaluing the item and selling it for less.

I find this activity very rewarding and preferable to eating, socializing, sleeping, making my sales worth my time, etc., etc.


(I really like the violin guy, although I guess if you use him too often, maybe things aren't going so well ????? )

Been there done that. Just ditched two persian coats because I missed that they were starting to deteriate It was behind the collar... I missed it when taking picture but after I caught it then I thought it was not that bad then realized it was very bad. The pictures looked good but I had to trash the coat.

Its usually a spot for me....and I find it as I am packing it... Ughhhhh....

I really really hate when that happens.....

I think so! Have managed to handwash two of them successfully, have decided to lose 10lb (after xmas) so I can wear the other myself :D and have had a new dry cleaner recommended so I shall be visiting them tomorrow...
LOL- good thing I was not taking a zip of my drink or I fear my desk would have been spittled on!!!

Glad you're having a better day and a good laugh just made mine brighter - thanks!