Drumroll Please~

glamourpussvintage.com is mostly stocked (still gobs more to add) and up and running!

Been coding my little heart out as well as tearing my hair out making sure all the buttons and links take you where you want to go~ I've worked on almost nothing else for the past couple of weeks :wacko:

I need a major nap:asleep:

Opinions and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome! :drinking2:
:party: very nice, clean easy to read.

one thing tho', put your business name in the:
< title>Home< /title>

section of your webpage: like the blue top here says vfg forums.
It's terrific! I love the VFG widget!! First time I've seen that....... I want it!!!!!!!!!

and..........wanna cross-linK?
Thanks Barb~ on the widget is a link that says "get widget" - just click there or go to widgetbox.com~

I'd love to exchange links!
I'll use your logo in your VFG signature if that's okay~

my url is www . glamourpussvintage . com w/o the spaces - my description is:

Authentic vintage clothing, shoes, accessories and jewelry from the 1930’s & the 1980’s, and all points in between! We have beautiful fashions as well as delightful accessories to add a unique and personalized touch to your wardrobe.