Egads! The 80s are back.......


Registered Guest
I will never wear these charming outfits BUT for some reason, I am selling lots of 80s clothes. I decided -- what the heck? -- and am listing these "beauties." The first lot are the ubiquitous jumpsuits. My personal favorite is the black fringe cowboy outfit. I already sold the Miss Elliette disco chiffon number. I also listed some 80s fashions that are 40s in style (except the shoulder pads are probably BIGGER than those in the 40s -- tee hee :)). It's spring cleaning time and I want to get this stuff out the door to concentrate on vintage fashions I LIKE. I have a closet full of 30s to 60s things. For a blast from the past, check out my EBay store listings and auctions.
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Isn't Hollywood making a movie version of "Dallas"? :) Enjoy!
This is encouraging news! I have a closet full of my own 80's stuff--all good quality--that I've been hanging on to, hoping the 80's would make a comeback! Wish I'd kept my jumpsuits, though.... That first dress of yours is really sharp, and I agree--the fringed jumpsuit is quite something--should do well!
Does it scare you as much as it scares that the 1980s fashions are making a comeback? I went to the mall and saw tapered jeans! I am seeing more shoulder pads, too, in clothing. Remember the long shorts? Those are back? I used to wore long shorts with tights in winter. The shorts were wool and lined. Of course, this ensemble was accompanied by a sweater tied around my shoulders. :) Egads-what's next? "Dynasty: the Movie"?
Does it scare you as much as it scares that the 1980s fashions are making a comeback? I went to the mall and saw tapered jeans! I am seeing more shoulder pads, too, in clothing. Remember the long shorts? Those are back? I used to wore long shorts with tights in winter. The shorts were wool and lined. Of course, this ensemble was accompanied by a sweater tied around my shoulders. :) Egads-what's next? "Dynasty: the Movie"?
I found it all quite odd to start with, but I think that that's because it's the first time in my life that fashion has done it's full 'cycle' (or that I've really noticed it doing so)!

I suppose it's not all bad - there were some good looks and some bad looks as with any era.. Saying that I had a tremendous array of flying suits/boiler suits that I remember being particularly fond off, but I think I'd look pretty silly in now. Although I did buy an early french connection labelled one the other month in green, and told myself it was just to have an example of that particular label design, LOL


I think a small part of the 80s revival look is pretty cool, but the general consensus in my group of friends was no to city shorts (as I believe they are being coined) and footless tights - I didn't reveal that I had recently bought some black ones :)
Glam 90's is coming back already. Think Versace and Alaia! There was an article about this recenly in Vogue.

And "jumpsuit" is one of the top searched words in the 80's category right now. Go figure. Course, they're a pain to get on the manni.
<i>Course, they're a pain to get on the manni. </i>

Not only would they be a pain to get on the manni (I haven't had the pleasure yet of trying) but remember how gawd-awful they are to go the bathroom in? Trying to get that thing unbuttoned or unzipped, down & then up again was a royal pain--and doubly so when you were in a hurry!!!
Did you guys hear that they are making the movie "Dallas"????

Talk about the 80's and 90's coming back to life at last......
Jennifer Lopez and John Travolta have signed on already.

I did notice that my 80's stuff on my website hits like doubled in the last month. Scrambling to get more items on there. My mom has her stuff and my aunt give me a whole bunch of her stuff from her closet that is late 70's, ealy 80's that are the beauties.

I could do without seeing those jumpsuits coming back....agh!!!! Those things could drive a girl to drink!!! :booze:
I have a mannequin with the pants thing. I have not been able to figure out how to get the jumpsuits on the mannequin. How do you do that? I remember wearing city shorts and footless tights, Hattie. :) I also remember wearing jumpsuits in a variety of colors. In fact, some of the jumpsuits made their way to the stage in plays for which I costumed. I think every theater company in the country has at least one 80s jumpsuit!

How do you find out what EBay words are popular searches?


P.S. Why are my posts appearing twice?
I have a hanging form that I think would be great for those junmpsuits......

I like your question....I was curious about that too, but could never remember to ask.....
I have a mannequin with the pants thing. I have not been able to figure out how to get the jumpsuits on the mannequin.

Well..i have put jeans on my gal before. Her rear end and one leg are one piece, and her other leg is another. I put her top half on a chair or out of the way, and take her rear end off the stand as well/bottom half..

I put her leg that is not attached to her rear into one leg halfway or so, then I put her leg that is attached into the other, then I connect her detached leg to her hip or whatever and slide them in to the pants the rest of the way together.

Then I stand her bottom half back on the stand, leaving the pants unzipped. Then i put her torso on top, and zip em up.

If you have a jumpsuit, i would do the above, and then pull it up and do one arm at a time. You can either -depending on length of sleeve...have one arm detached put one sleeve on over the attached arm like a regular person, then put the detached arm through the sleeve and connect it. OR take both arms off is sleeveless or short sleeves and put the jumpsuit on and then put the arms up through the sleeve to the shoudler and click them in place.

Looser pants are even easier. you can leave more of the manni together.
That sure sounds like a whole mess of trouble just to take a picture of a jumpsuit on a manni.........

I would be mad and frustrated by the end of that long journey.....

My solution is to NOT buy run the other way when I see them......:USETHUMBUP::USING:
In answer to your question about search words....some people subscribe to sellathon which helps sellers determine how their items got 'found" on ebay........Keywords used, categorys searched, ending/beginning search, ect. It is a useful tool and highly addictive. ;)

Also, research of sold actions can be a helpful tool as well. Check to see what keywords were used by items that are very similar to yours.

There also used to be a resource list of keywords on the Vintage Clothing and Accesory board on ebay....not sure if it is still there, though.

Oh...thank you...I did not know that Gail.....

Learn something new everyday. I think I will search the web and look for those sites about that.......