Sarara Brazil
Registered Guest
Perhaps you would like to stick with 40s, but as stated:
I'd place my bet on someone who knows their shoes ;)
For sure I'd put my bet on him- I'm just not sure Jonathan can really tell with my pics. Let me know if you need more. I think the quote finally solves the history a little because they seem to indeed be Capezio flat shoes embellished by her at around that time. That article was so key! Thanks again Lynne, Jonathan and everyone. I just looked up more on Jonathan's museum and publications concerning shoes! I need that book of yours! I am definitely still learning on shoes. I have more experience with jewelry and Native American culture, and as an anthropologist I love a good story! Thanks again all!
I guess the final question would be for Jonathan and any other shoe people- Are they rare from that era or common? That will help me figure out what to do with them
If I list them I'll bill them as 50's but what to do with them---