Eye Candy


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I set these photos up quite a while ago to contribute to an article.
I found them again and thought you all might enjoy. These are all from my small private stash.

The 2 tone Edwardian boots are repros. A couple of the dressese are on the VFG Timeline, but it was fun to set up the photos with the accessories.

But I do want a manne with arms and a head someday.





That is fantastic!

Hollis, are all these items part of your permanent collection. And so,..do you try to collect "whole ensembles" versus pieces?
Chris, it is all part of the permanent collection. I started added accessories when I began running out of room for dresses!

Now admittedly the part of my criteria that a new accessory must 'go' with a dress I already have often gets tossed out for a hat that strikes my fancy.

And it's a bit hit and miss, since I can't shake the tendency to look for bargains.

These are 4 of the more complete ensembles. The older Victorians are proving bit tougher to get shoes and hats for on a budget.

What a fabulous collection Hollis, I particularly like the last one from the 20's then that's just me, with a soft spot for the 20's.
It's so nice to not only see the dresses but also the matching accessories just looks like they have been put out for a lady to change into for a function or day out.
Thank you for posting them for us all to see.
Hi Hollis,

They are all gorgeous. Those edwardian boots look great for repros. I just love the 1920s flapper headpiece. What a beauty!

Nice that you got them all out and together like that for these shots.

I haven't seen my collection in over 3 years, since I moved I haven't unpacked about 150 boxes...and my trunks with the goodies are under those!!!
I know how it feels - most of my things have been up so long, I forget what they look like.

The repro boots were a J. Peterman catalogue purchase years ago. A year or two later, I went to one of their 75% off warehouse sales and they had a table full! I very foolishly left them, thinking I didn't have a market for repro shoes at that time. But of course Ebay and the internet boomed after that and I felt foolishly sortsighted.
