FAO Liz/emmapeelpants - when is your opening?


VFG Member
Just realised that the 60s exhibit starts soon at the V&A (I still thought it was April, so that's how in touch I am at the moment) - When is the opening do? And, more importantly, do you have an outfit chosen?

I shall have to book my train tickets very soon to come down and see your dresses on display! :headbang:
The official opening is on June 5th, I haven't had my invitation yet but my contact says that they've just been delayed in getting sent out. I have a couple of outfits in mind, both Biba strangely enough - I guess it depends on the weather too!!

I also found out few weeks ago that one of my Jean Varon dresses has been accepted to the John Bates exhibition in Bath, so that's another one on the 'to do' list ;)

Excellent! I shall come and have a look in the summer holidays.. :)
I trust there will be photographs..

Ooh yes, I had quite fancied the Jean Varon exhibit anyway so will have to be another jaunt. An excuse to get a day out to myself too! :D
I may have to go back a day or so later to take photos of the actual exhibition, my mum is demanding I take her round ;)

I can ALWAYS do with an excuse to take a trip to Bath, so I'm muchly looking forward to that too!

I spotted one of the Biba dresses I have in mind in an episode of 'Man About The House' the other day, Chrissie is wearing a lemon yellow version and it looked SOOOO lovely. It's second only to my Gibb in the Big Sleeve Department!! :D I love that show, I keep spotting Ossies, Bibas and Bus Stops all over the place!!
