Finding the BEST Vintage on

Just checked out some of the listings and some
very, very NICE items!!

I'm excited, just opened an etsy shop - now I have to fill it.
hey Kim, are you using vfg member team as a tag when you sort your items?.. that's all it takes to be included

but of course it is a member only team.. so you are already in!
Good question Beth, I'll have to check! But I know I have that written in the "about me" section (or whatever that part is called...not "about me", but you know what I mean, right?). Must it be in every single listing, though?
Question: Is anybody using an Etsy banner or radio button on their eBay Me page or website, to link to your etsy page??

I want to put one up on my Me page but it seems the ones etsy provides all say something like, "etsy, for everything handmade." I want a vintage themed one. I guess I can make one but I just wondered what you all are doing to get your ebay traffic to etsy?

I'm also going to add the etsy address to my next batch of business cards.

Oh BOY! Thanks for posting this, Beth. Lottsa great stuff listed! :wub:

I like the list on the right side of each page that provides links to each seller's shop: "Sellers with matches (this page)"

Etsy's main focus is about the handmade items, while vintage items and supplies are 2nd priorities. The whole reason for their search update was to keep the vintage items away from the handmade stuff.

I think they want you to make your own handmade Esty button for your vintage business, Jen. :USETHUMBUP:

Jen (and others)

If you go to your "Your Etsy" page and click on "Esty Mini" on the bottom left side, you can create the HTML for a little Etsy link that you can insert into blogs or other web pages.

I've also started including a link to etsy in my emails to buyers.

Just registered!...........oooohhh one step closer!!!