Fortuny look

I really do like that blog, probably one of the very few I ever read, although not often enough. It begs the question as to WHY the Lesters never get a screen credit? Seems they should, at least in Europe or the UK. But the names are SO familiar to me, perhaps I had seen it on screen somewhere.

I agree with the writer than it is extremely hard to swallow that both of them had never (ever? really?) heard of Fortuny. That a stretch, please. Wonder if they never heard of Gallenga or Morris either? Come on! But as they say, pointless to argue that.

Thanks, Claire!
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I knew who you were referencing without looking because I have a Lester outfit which I absolutely adore.


I thought it was some sort of interpretation of a Fortuny when I won it at an auction. I didn't know the label, and I intended to sell the outfit (which consists of a dress, tunic, belt, scarf and tiny decorative bag) but then I put it on and fell in love. It has so many Fortuny-style details, and it is so beautifully made and comfortable. (Note to self: Add the label to our Label Resource!)

