Fresh Vintage Oct 20 - 26 2011


Staff member
VFG Past President
A few hours late, but fresh nonetheless! I think we all love seeing these sneak previews of the best new vintage recentle listed by VFG trade members.
Joules, Julia & Mary Jane - Thank you! The dresses would have been perfect for summer, but better late than never! I just got a bunch of swimsuits too, go figure.

Mary Jane, I love that men's leather bomber jacket :USETHUMBUP:
Photos are clickable links.
At magsrags dot net, his satin 40s jacket has wonderful seaming detail with barrel sleeves and is plus sized.

A 50s cocktail dress with illusion lace upper bodice by Jerry Parnis, originally sold at Milgrims

A silk scarf from Oscar de la Renta, made in Japan

And at Artfire, this sweet 40s/50s peach satin cropped curvy jacket with mirrored flower buttons