Funny old (non-clothing) ads

I just scanned this out of my 1940 Look magazine!

This ad is horrible and I always pull it out to show visitors! I keep threatening to frame it and put it up in the bathroom!

It is in 2 sections...


Originally posted by meumar
Didn't women douche with Lysol as birth control before the pill?

Yup! If you read between the lines in old "feminie hygene" ads, you'll start to realize what the product REALLY means to get rid of. It's even more apparent in ads from my antique Edwardian magazines.

Ok, I just happened to mention the tapeworm ad to my husband and son and both of them howled "No Way!"

Yup, I said and proceeded to show it to them. Of course seeing the thing with their own eyes sparked a lively discussion (right before we were about to eat dinner I might add)

They speculated on exactly how DO you sanitize tapeworms...mulled over if they were live or dead tape worms. Wanted to know what kind of company would be in the tapeworm business and so forth and so on.
My husband actually had me save the picture to our desktop. I have no desire to know why.

Dare I say it? I seem to have opened my own can of worms with this one.

OH, good heavens - this thread is just ~cRaZy!~ :violins:

I friend of mine sent me most of these ads about three months ago, but they didn't download very well. Now I can finally see them in all their glory! :wacko:

So, what was up with the whole "women are caked with germs down there" mentality? Messy on a monthly basis, yes, but riddled with germs and in need of a caustic sanitizing?? I think not.

What did these MEN use to sanitize their nastiness?? Nothing, I'm sure. :barf:

Maybe lard. :hysterical:

All this talk about tapeworms taking the cake is making me hungry! :drool:
