Getting ready for April Showers with *Fresh Vintage* Mar 31- Apr 6


Staff member
VFG Past President
Time for a new edition of Fresh Vintage, the weekly thread where VFG trade members let you in on their newest best vintage offerings.

Here's a few of goodies from Living Doll Vintage~

Chocolate Tulle 50s Party Dress

40's Raspberry Pink Formal

30s 40s Novelty Print Dress

Blue Floral 50s Dress

@Amanda - cool necklace. Just a small hint - the coin on the right on the bottom picture is "roman" - but the other two aren't. They're actually Austrian (well, I guess, replicas, not real ones). One shows emperor Francis Joseph, and the other one I *think* empress Maria Theresia. At least it's the Habsburg double eagle on it's backside too. It just jumped to my eye :D , these portraits and double eagles being so familiar to me, and it seems so unusual to me seeing this in a piece of American costume jewellery :jawdrop:.
in our eBay store at <a href="
">Vintage Devotion</a>

Glamorous vintage 50s black cashmere sweater with huge fox collar and rhinestone clasp

Palomino blonde vintage mink wrap from Bullock's Wilshire

Lucie Ann pom-pon peignoir in a gorgeous lilac purple

in our Etsy store~

Leopard print faux fur hat with collapsible upper and rolled brim