Good Sales Going- Sad News

I've hit the bottom of the patience jar.... and have made the mental commitment that I have to move my B&M store asap! Not a light task, I assure you, but it is necessary. We're building shopping now. Hope to be fully relocated by the end of March.

So......the good news is that for the next month I'm going to be liquidating lots of inventory!

This week I started loading up The Auctions Board on Ebay. Lots of fashion mixes .....and more great buys coming!

I also have moved several products into the Sales room at my Babylon Mall store. Don't be shy....if you've eyed anything in the past, make me an offer!
Not to be-labor bad tidings, but the move is being created because of an old building that needs much more work on the internal structure than the landlord is putting in. Physical ceiling leaks have recently just missed my victorian clothing rack .... but did wipe out my laptop computer! That was the day after Thanksgiving. And one of many leaks over the past year! Then last week was a pluming nightmare from hE!!
So ... time to go. My body is not looking forward to this but surely my mind is! Who knows what lies ahead.... should be interesting! And the funny thing is that now that I've made up my mind, it actually feels OK and better.:USETHUMBUP:

So...not to just whine & cry- here's a bone for the "new kids in the business" considering going into a full shop venue: Consider buying a building versus renting. Invest fully in yourself and your future instead of hopping in half way. At the very best/least... have a solid building and well understood terms.

When I went out on my own back in 1993, I never thought "I can buy a building"..... but hind sight is 20-20. If I were 20 years younger starting out, I'd investigate every possible opportunity to buy real estate before renting. When you stop or move, you have something solid to sell. And to tell you the truth, I'm looking at all the For Sale signs I see!

And who knows, maybe this venture will motivate me to go back into the vintage clothing show venues. Gosh, haven't done THAT in a little while!!

Thanks for the good thoughts!
Barbara that is a very wise decision, and years down the road when you decide to retire you have a nice extra "savings account" that you can sell or rent out.

And vintage shows - you can travel the country and visit everybody!
speaking of shows...we used to have one of the bestest, humdingers right in downtown Syracuse NY - waaaaaaaay back in the early 1980s. Anybody ever go? I had a booth "tucked by the grand stairway" and met so many great folks. We were really avant garde in those days.

My next job: moving

My next job after that: resettle the store business and website improvements

My next job after that: write some books

........take some trips...........

My next job after that: create another great vintage clothes show! can dream, eh?:spin: