Jennifer O.
Registered Guest
Maybe you could help me out with some grad research I am doing on Gune Sax, prior to 1980.
I need magazine ads or editorials with photos of Gunne Sax. Any prices, store names etc. would also be great.
I think these will be found in teen or junior magazines (Seventeen, Glamour, Mademoiselle) from about 1975-1980.
Seems that most libraries and museums are only archiving the high fashion magazines: Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. So doing research on junior fashion is a real challenge (but fun)
Thanks for helping out, Jennifer O.
Maybe you could help me out with some grad research I am doing on Gune Sax, prior to 1980.
I need magazine ads or editorials with photos of Gunne Sax. Any prices, store names etc. would also be great.
I think these will be found in teen or junior magazines (Seventeen, Glamour, Mademoiselle) from about 1975-1980.
Seems that most libraries and museums are only archiving the high fashion magazines: Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. So doing research on junior fashion is a real challenge (but fun)
Thanks for helping out, Jennifer O.