hanae mori fabric?


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Hi Everyone
Is there anyone out there that knows anything about Hanae Mori producing fabric? I picked up several yards today in a thrift shop. It is cotton in an oriental motif in shades of aqua with a stenciled bird. I'll post a photo tomorrow.
photos for hanae mori material

Sorry for the delay in posting these. My youngest son has managed to land himself in the hopsital twice in the last 2 weeks, broken femur leading to surgery and then a trip for pain...The material is cotton and unused and very wide. I can't find much on her fabric when I google so I would love help with this. Thanks!-Lorinda


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Hi Carrie
A broken rib must have been really painful to recuperate from because of the motion of breathing!
I have been through a lot with my youngest Nathaniel including 2 open heart surgeries but he is a survivor. Me on the other hand....:-)..He walked around on his broken femur last week for three days after falling on the ice. He thought he had bruised his hip ..My heart just skipped a beat thinking about it!
Thanks for the good wishes-Lorinda