handwritten numbers on tag

I'm always sad when people write on garments with ink - here is a list of the people I've seen do it at times:
  • Charity shops when pricing or sorting
  • Costume hire shops
  • Vintage sellers at markets
Your numbers are nicely written, but written all the same and I can help but think that they would not have been put there by anyone with respect for this beautiful coat.
Very pretty coat. It is a Lilli Ann style that I have seen quite often. The number to me looks like a public auction style number, one where many different types of items were being offered on auction with no particular care or interest in clothing. Some who run public auctions are just getting rid of stuff and do not recognize vintage clothing as being desirable, collectable, or even still wearable therefore they write numbers on fabric like this when they shouldn't. We have airport auctions locally and they write the numbers directly on electronics, inside suitcases, clothing, etc. to make it easier for them to coordinate when checking out winners. The numbers often start with a single letter followed by a number and then when they get to the highest number in their receipt book the letter goes to double letters followed by numbers again.